10 things you don't know about sperm

Most sperm are malformed, men still have the ability to pillow and give birth if only one testicle, sperm also degenerate with age ... are things you may not know.

Most sperm are malformed, men still have the ability to pillow and give birth if only one testicle, sperm also degenerate with age . are things you may not know.

>>>9 things you never know about sperm

Here are interesting surprises about men's sperm:

Most sperm are abnormal

People are not good at producing sperm. In fact, more than 90% of sperms of any ejaculate are malformed. As monogamous animals, our sperm does not need to be perfect because it often does not have to compete against someone else's sperm.

The time for sperm production is quite long

Although the total number of spermatozoa is very large, the latest research shows that sperm takes more than two months to form.

Sperm lacks "caps" difficult to conceive

In the semen test, we often find a conclusion like: 99% small abnormal deformed sperm does not have acrosome . Acrosome is a hat that covers the head of the sperm - it is essentially an enzyme with suction effect like magnet. Thanks to this hat, new sperm orientates and knows where the egg is to move toward it and clings to it when encountering an egg for fertilization. Therefore, when there is no or no acrosome, the sperm will swim freely and even if it meets an egg, it will be washed away without being able to stick, so fertilization will not take place.

Just one testicle is fine

If someone is born with a testicle or is lost due to an accident, he or she can still have a normal child. In fact, the rest of the testicles often develop enough to compensate for the lost side. Lance Armstrong - a world-famous professional bike racer has two children by natural conception despite losing a cancer testicle.

However, in some cases, if one side of the testicle is broken or the disease is not removed and atrophy, it may affect the remaining testicles. The reason for being atrophic testicles has become a strange object (antigen), so the body will produce antibodies against both atrophic testicles and purified testicles.

Picture 1 of 10 things you don't know about sperm

Artwork: Alizul2.blogspot.com.

Maleity of father and son

The Y chromosome is the chromosome that makes up the male character of the man. Every other chromosome in the body is a combination of the mother's genes and the father's genes, but the Y chromosome doesn't have that kind of mixing. So a Y chromosome in men is molded from Y chromosome from father and and so on.

Sperm also degrades

Women born with a full range of eggs they will have and in middle age, they have completed fertility. Men are different. Sperm is produced continuously. And so, the quality of the sperm also deteriorates slightly according to age.

The hidden enemy

Created late in human development (until puberty is available), sperm cells should also be attacked by their own immune systems, since they are not recognized. Fortunately, there are cells that surround and protect the sperm, so they are not attacked.

Sperm is just a transport medium

We often think of each individual as a combination of eggs and sperm that form. But sperm does not play such an important role. During in vitro fertilization, the researchers did an experiment, killing sperm and injecting dead sperm into eggs. As a result, the egg is still fertilized. So you can see that the DNA inside the sperm is the only thing the egg needs.

The sperm production plant needs cooling

Because sperm is very weak, the testicles need to maintain a cooler temperature of about two degrees Celsius compared to the rest of the body. That's why the testicles are hanging outside the body. When the testicles shrink in cold weather, it just wants to get more warmth from the body.

If all sperms in one ejaculate are fertilized, a population of one country can be created

Each ejaculate only about half a spoon of semen. That's not much, right? But actually, there are 200 million sperms in each ejaculation and all of them compete with each other to fertilize eggs. If all of those sperm were used, they would constitute two-thirds of the US population.

Update 15 December 2018



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