10 unexpected harm from coconut oil

Coconut oil is now widely used in cooking, skin care, cosmetics . However, using too much coconut oil or using it improperly can cause unexpected risks.

  1. High cholesterol: 90% of coconut oil is saturated fat, which increases the levels of harmful LDL cholesterol. The long-term effects of coconut oil on cholesterol levels have not been studied in depth, so you should only consume moderate amounts.
  2. Harmful to the heart: Foods high in saturated fat have been linked to coronary artery disease. Coconut oil is particularly high in saturated fat and contains absolutely no essential fatty acids.

Picture 1 of 10 unexpected harm from coconut oil
Using coconut oil for oily skin only makes acne worse.

  1. Acne : Coconut oil is believed to be effective in treating acne thanks to its antibacterial ingredients, but this is only true for dry or normal skin. Using coconut oil for oily skin only makes acne worse.
  2. Diarrhea : Coconut oil contains antibacterial ingredients, so if used too much coconut oil can cause both beneficial and harmful bacteria to be destroyed. This imbalances intestinal bacteria, causing you to have diarrhea.
  3. Abdominal pain : Many people experience bloating, diarrhea and nausea after using too much coconut oil. It may be due to an imbalance in intestinal bacteria as mentioned above. In addition, it may be because coconut oil contains too much fat or the body does not have enough enzymes to break down the components of coconut oil.
  4. Allergies : People who are allergic to coconut oil should avoid using any product that contains coconut oil. An allergy to coconut oil can cause rashes, nausea, vomiting, even anaphylactic shock or a fast heartbeat.
  5. Fungal infections: Using coconut oil as a lubricant during sex can unbalance vaginal pH, causing problems like fungal infections. Coconut oil also increases the risk of condom tearing.
  6. Thyroid problems : Many people believe that coconut oil causes hypothyroidism, but there is no scientific evidence to support this.
  7. Weight gain : Coconut oil is rich in saturated fat, so consuming too much coconut oil can make you gain weight. Each gram of fat is equal to 9 calories, while every gram of carbs equals only 4 calories.
  8. Headache : People who use coconut oil to detox may experience headache symptoms, because the detox process can produce mycotoxins. Mild headaches may appear when the body tries to fight off these toxins.

Benefits of coconut oil for human health

Producing aircraft lubricant from petroleum and coconut oil