12 USD calculator made from 'antiques'

A group of students from the Masachussetts Institute of MIT (USA) is designing a computer for people in poor countries, based on the Apple II platform, some devices like the handle of Nintendo gaming machines .

Designers in the group say computers should be a tool to increase the chances of making money for people in poor countries and therefore, should not be too expensive. "If they know how to type, they will see the difference when they earn 1 USD per hour rather than 1 USD per day," Derek Lomas said.

Picture 1 of 12 USD calculator made from 'antiques'

Students of MIT Academy with cheap laptop projects.Photo: Boston Herald.

In fact, a $ 12 computer exists in India for people to attach to gaming TVs and do simple, game-based programs made by Nintendo. But these students improved the equipment of the 80s when they came here to practice. They developed the device from an Apple II computer to run applications and surf the web.

Student groups are writing programs for computers and Internet access via mobile phones. They are looking to add memory chips to the system so users can write and store programs.

"When we were young, we all had Apple II for typing and playing games," Lomas said. "If developers actively contribute their products to this system, soon, poor children will be able to grow up with big dreams."