15 minutes of exercise to live longer than 3 years

Exercise daily, in addition to avoiding some illnesses, also prolong life, in the same living conditions. And of course, the earlier the morning exercise routine (about age) is, the better.

The Taiwanese team said that if a person spends 15 minutes a day exercising, the average life expectancy will be added by 3 years. This conclusion draws from a study with the participation of 416 thousand volunteers, of which 217 thousand women.

Picture 1 of 15 minutes of exercise to live longer than 3 years
Exercise 15 minutes a day to extend your life by 3 years.

The study lasted 12 years, from 1996 to the end of 2008 and the volunteers were followed for an average of no less than 8 years.

In their research, scientists divided volunteers into five groups, from people who never practiced to people with very high intensity, then compared the risk of death and life expectancy. in each group.

From carefully recorded data, scientists found that people who spend only 15 minutes a day mean that every week, just under an hour and a half, the average life expectancy of those who do not The practice was longer than 3 years.

In addition, in those who do not practice, death without cause (like old death) is 17% higher than those who regularly practice.