15 surprisingly beautiful natural wonders in America

Referring to America, people often think of modern super cities. But each state of this country has unique, majestic natural scenery.

Referring to America, people often think of modern super cities. But each state of this country has unique, majestic natural scenery.

See 15 unique natural masterpieces in the United States

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Alaska : The southernmost state of the United States is the only place in this country that often has North Aurora.This spectacular display of natural light is created by the interaction of particles in the solar wind with the planet's magnetic field.

Picture 2 of 15 surprisingly beautiful natural wonders in America

Arizona : Grand Canyon is Arizona's world famous destination.However, the state also has The Wave sandstone mountain area with impressive scenery created by time and erosion.

Picture 3 of 15 surprisingly beautiful natural wonders in America

California : California conifers and giant bulbs have been hundreds of years old and are over 90 meters tall.Visitors can visit these trees in Sequoia National Park.

Picture 4 of 15 surprisingly beautiful natural wonders in America

Georgia : The rocky area in Stone Mountain Park is 520 meters high, with the world's largest relief carved on the side.

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Hawaii : At Kilauea volcano, lava erupts dangerously, but creates a magnificent sight.

Picture 6 of 15 surprisingly beautiful natural wonders in America

Kentucky : Mammoth is the largest cave system that has been discovered, nearly 650 km long and complex ecosystem, difficult to preserve.
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Louisiana : Louisiana's unique swamp is essentially slow-flowing tributaries, with endemic flora and fauna.With a length of up to 600 km, Bartholomew is the longest river branch in the world.

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Maryland : This island is famous for wild horses.Legend has it that they came from a shipwreck near the island and thrived even though the island was quite deserted and arid.

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Missouri : Onondaga is one of the most beautiful caves in the United States, with stalactites and stalactites formed under the water.

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Montana : Glacier National Park is famous for its rugged peaks, primeval forests, glaciers, pristine meadows and clear water.This is a paradise for lovers of walking and climbing, with a trail longer than 1,100 km.

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Nevada : Valley of Fire Park has red sandstone mountains glowing in the sun, formed 150 million years ago.Guests can go hiking, camp here, explore the beautiful forests or Aboriginal 3,000-year-old stone statues.

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New Mexico : New Mexico State owns the largest gypsum sand dunes in the world.You will admire a white sandy area spread over 700 km2 under blue sky.

Picture 13 of 15 surprisingly beautiful natural wonders in America

New York : Niagara Falls is a must-see destination, with majestic scenery and a convenient location for rare waterfalls.

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North Carolina : The area along the Blue Ridge Road through the Appalachia plateau is one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world, with more than 1,600 species of plants, 54 species of mammals and 159 bird species.

Picture 15 of 15 surprisingly beautiful natural wonders in America

Wyoming : The Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park is brightly colored thanks to the bacteria.

Update 16 December 2018



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