19 familiar phenomena that everyone sees but lazy to ask Google

Young children constantly ask questions about what is happening daily in their lives around, making their parents surf the Internet to find answers. However, adults should also learn about new things , although in reality, we rarely waste time with ' how ' and ' why ' questions.

There are many phenomena happening regularly in life that we do not know why. Today, we will help you answer some things that you are always wondering. Let's find out 19 familiar phenomena that everyone sees but "lazy to ask Google doctor" that why in this article!

19. Why are we goosebumps?

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This is a manifestation of hair follicle spasm.(© depositphotos)

It turns out this is a physiological phenomenon that originated from ancient animals . Goose bumps are a phenomenon where tiny spots appear on the skin that look like bumps after being plucked. It is a manifestation of hair follicle spasm.

For animals, this causes them to warm up more quickly because the hair that builds up expands the air that holds the heat around the body. In the event of a threat, this phenomenon helps them to stand up, look bigger and scary in front of the enemy.

We humans also encounter this phenomenon when cold or in some emotional states . That's the result when the body unconsciously releases hormones adrenaline. This hormone not only causes muscle contraction but also affects the body's response; often occurs when we have cold or fear, stress or strong emotions such as anger or excitement.

18. Why is our voice different from reality?

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When we say, the sound will be transmitted in two completely different directions.(© depositphotos).

Most of us also find it difficult to listen to our own voices through audio recordings, answering machines. Why is there such an extraordinary difference?

The explanation for this difference is that when we say, the sound will be transmitted in two completely different directions:

  1. One is the sound transmitted in the air to the ears of the person in the conversation , they must pass through the outer ear, continue to the eardrum and finally their inner ear. This is the same as when recording your own voice.
  2. When we speak out loud, the vibrations of the vocal cords will pass through the pharynx and then pass to the skull and inner ear . At the same time, the bones in the skull will automatically amplify vibrations at a much lower level. That's why when you hear my voice, you find that the volume is smaller than reality because only you can listen to the sound clearly.

17. Why do we have headaches when eating or drinking cold food?

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This phenomenon is related to constriction, dilatation of the nasopharynx in response to low temperature.(© depositphotos).

Do you realize that you often have headaches after drinking cold water or eating ice cream? Or this can happen in case you breathe while jogging outdoors in very cold weather.This phenomenon is related to constriction, dilatation of the nasopharynx in response to low temperature.

The reason is that when cold food or cold drinks pass through the throat too quickly, it will stimulate the mucous membranes and sensory organs, controlling nerve endings, blood vessels to the brain; especially the area of ​​the frontal brain is stimulated locally, causing it to contract, while the blood vessels in the brain expand and expand more than usual ( such as increased cortical pressure ).

A sudden rise in cerebral blood vessels will cause headaches such as a seizure; causing headache, headache, nausea, especially in the temples and forehead.

16. Why does our skin become darker and hair becomes brighter in the sun?

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Picture 5 of 19 familiar phenomena that everyone sees but lazy to ask Google
The sun affects our hair color and skin color.(© depositphotos).

In both cases, the sun breaks down melanin (melanin ) and affects our hair color and skin color.

When this pigment is broken, the hair does not replenish melanin, making it look brighter.

As for the skin, it is different, at this time, the skin responds to the sun by producing a hormone that binds to melanin-producing cells, so more and more melanin is produced. This makes the skin look darker.

15. Why does time drift slower for a child?

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A child's week is a very big part of the time after they mature.(© depositphotos).

Have you ever seen time pass so slowly and wish you had grown so fast?A child often has to remember more events than us . As a child, they began to get used to the world around them, and the memory had to record a lot of data. Therefore, a year of a child contains more data than adults.

For a specific comparison, it can be said that a week of children is a very big part of the time after they mature.

14. Why are our eyes not cold?

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The largest part of the eyeball is inside the skull warmed by the blood flowing inside.(© depositphotos).

The main reason is that our eyes only have nerves in charge of touch and feeling without feeling cold . So no matter how cold the weather is, our eyes don't feel cold.

Besides, the largest part of the eyeball is inside the skull warmed by the blood flowing inside.

13. Why do we often close our eyes when eating lemon?

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Perhaps this natural reflex is formed from human ancestors.(© depositphotos).

Perhaps this natural reflex is formed from human ancestors. Our eyes are closed to prevent lemon juice from getting into the eyes , which can damage mucous membrane .

12. Why are pigeons in the city not perched on tree branches?

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This lies in the reflection problem.(© depositphotos).

This lies in the reflex issue . The pigeons that live in cities have a habit of parking on buildings made of stone and concrete; not a habit of sitting on a tree branch.

Their limbs still allow them to perch on tree branches but simply they are not used to doing so, from life to life.

11. Why is the black dust on a white background on a white background, the dust is black?

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Actually dust is gray.(© depositphotos).

Actually dust is gray . However, due to their small size, our naked eyes cannot recognize their true colors.

On a black background, these dust particles are brighter so we see them white, and on a white background they are darker so we see them in black.

10. Why do American cat bears have a habit of washing food?

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Another reason not as cute as you think, is that they simply want to drown their prey.(© depositphotos).

Raccoon bears often feed from their natural environment so they can pick up algae that they don't want to eat at all. Therefore, they try to clean food with water. Another reason not as cute as you think, is that they simply want to drown their prey.

9. Why do birds fly in an inverted V shape in the sky?

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This way of flying helps them save energy.(© depositphotos).

The first reason, this is how to help them save energy . The leading flying birds create a special swirl of air by their wings. This helps the birds fly behind meet less air resistance and save more energy.

The second reason, flying in an inverted V pattern helps each member of the herd always see the leader and follow it.

8. Why does a hedgehog always carry an "apple" on its back?

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Porcupines are animals that are not "interested" in vegetables but are insectivores.(© depositphotos).

This is nothing more than a myth, animation or a vivid picture of a children's book. Porcupines are animals that are not " interested " in vegetables but are insectivores .

If the porcupine sees a slug on the mushroom, it will immediately eat that mushroom and not attach the fungus to the back like we often see in pictures, because that's just a pure accident happening in natural only.

7. Why is the sound of the stream sounding murky?

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Air bubbles were swept into the water stream and then broke off so we heard the murmur of the stream.(© depositphotos).

This happens when air bubbles are swept into the water stream and then burst . It creates a lot of different sounding sounds that we call 'tearing '.

6. Why do we get motion sickness?

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After the long process of brain disorder, information leads to car sickness.(© depositphotos).

Motion sickness is because the brain forms conflicting information with different parts of the body; sent from the eyes and vestibular ( which are two agencies that determine balance for humans ).

When sitting in the car, the eyes see everything balanced by the particular ability to self-eliminate the confounders so " notice " to the brain that the body is balancing.

While the vestibule senses the shaking of the car and sends it to the brain so that the brain controls the body to balance itself against shaking.After the long process of brain disorder, information leads to car sickness.

For example, when riding a train, the inside of your ear feels the bobbing of the waves but your eyes don't feel it. At that time, the brain tried to identify these two separate sensations but there was a contradiction that made you feel sick.

Then, the brain remembers those cases, leading to people who think of cars as intoxicated or smelling cars that are drunk.

5. Why does the clock hand run from left to right?

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In the Northern hemisphere, it moves from left to right.(© depositphotos).

Humans have a sundial ( a time-measuring device based on the position of the Sun ) before mechanical clocks. The Sun version had a shadow of it to move around the hour disk. Such an " arm " moves the way the sun moves in the sky throughout the day. In the Northern hemisphere, it moves from left to right. The mechanical watch version was invented later.

4. Why are ring fingers often used for blood tests?

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The ring finger will feel the least painful.(© depositphotos).

The first reason, thumb and little finger attached to our wrist . If unfortunately infected, it can spread to your whole arm. Therefore, doctors often advise to take blood from all fingers except for the thumb and pinkie.

Second, the ring finger will feel the least painful . It works less and has skin thinner than other fingers, if you don't use this finger often, it will heal quickly.

3. Can you solve this "25 horses" puzzle?

Picture 18 of 19 familiar phenomena that everyone sees but lazy to ask Google

If you can solve the puzzle of 25 horses below, you will probably get a job at Google.

There are 25 horses in the race. At the very least, how many races do you need to be able to identify the 3 fastest races in the entire herd? You can divide 25 horses into 5 groups, each with 5 to perform but there is no clock to stop.

This puzzle is really hard. You will find the answer below.

2. Try your calculations

Picture 19 of 19 familiar phenomena that everyone sees but lazy to ask Google

This is a " brain-damaging " math puzzle:

  1. Peter, how old is your child?
  2. Thomas, I have 3 children and their age is 36.
  3. What else?
  4. Their total age is the amount of beer we drink today.
  5. I haven't found it yet.
  6. Ok, my oldest kid has a red hat.

So how old is every son of Peter? Find out the answer below.

1. How does the toilet on the plane work?

Picture 20 of 19 familiar phenomena that everyone sees but lazy to ask Google The toilet on the plane does not contain much water.

The toilet on the aircraft does not contain as much water as the common toilet we are using today. When you " finish " the discharge, the system will activate the " product " suction function to clean the toilet. Waste will be transferred into a large container, placed under the aircraft.

When landing, this waste will be handled by a dedicated vehicle to undertake this task, which is the truck.


Picture 21 of 19 familiar phenomena that everyone sees but lazy to ask Google

Puzzle 25 horses

To determine 3 horses that run the fastest in the whole herd ( we call them A, B, C, respectively ), you need to organize at least 7 races.

First, divide 25 horses into 5 groups, each with 5 children. Each separate race will help you find the fastest one. So, to find the 5 fastest ones, we used 5 races.

Next, we organized the 6th race for the 5 children that we just identified to find the horse A.

Horse B may be the second finisher in the 6th race ( case 1 ), or the second finisher in the first race A horse joins ( case 2) . You have not determined it yet because it is impossible to know the exact speed of each animal, according to the question data.

  1. In case 1, the horse C can be the third finisher in the 6th race, or the second finisher in the first race A horse joins, or the second is the second in the race. First race horse B joined.
  2. In case 2, horse C can be the second finisher in the 6th race or the third finisher in the first race A horse joins.

Thus, we determine a total of 5 horses that are likely to be B or C. Let these 5 horses join the 7th race to find the final result.

The second calculation puzzle

The exact combination of age is 2-2-9 .

Let's start with the first known data of 36. Write all 3 numbers that are 36. Know that their sum is uncertain so we have 2 combinations of numbers with the same sum of 1-6-6 and 2-2-9. But it is known that Peter's oldest child has a " hat ", so obviously the combination of 2-2-9 is exactly the age of the oldest child .