4 oddly paradoxical jobs can help your mood better

We often think that when sad, bored, we should do fun things to improve our mood, such as going out, going shopping, going to a delicious food, or at least watching a funny comedy movie there. However, in addition to the usual ways mentioned above, according to scientists, there are still some strange ways "not like anyone" but also have a very good psychological clearance effect, please check it out:

Join a "war"

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If you experience a stressful collision that may lead to that impact, then you may feel better in the mood.

An argument, even a fight, can sometimes have a positive effect for people who are not in a good mood, because now the body will produce adrenaline that stimulates the heart to beat faster, people are more nervous, can be considered "a blood exercise in the body".

The 2008 Vanderbilt University study shows that if you encounter a stressful collision between two parties, it may lead to "clash" (for example during an argument), then you Can feel better mood improved. This is explained by the residual behavior of our nature from the primitive time , that these "wars" are similar in nature to "protecting the territory", "keeping the resources " that you own.

Use public transportation

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Traveling by bus and subway helps us to take the time to relax.

Although the bus may not stop right at the door of the company or store you want to go to, but there is an indisputable fact that riding a bus is more comfortable than driving yourself. When driving on your own, you will be faced with sun, rain, traffic jams, dust and hundreds of other annoying things. Meanwhile, once climbed on the bus, dozens of things got annoyed by the bus driver, not us.

UEA Norwich Medical School conducted a study to see if this was true, they concluded: "You tend to think that the services are crowded, bulky (eg public transport). ) will create stress, but for some things like: taking a bus or subway can help us have time (while traveling) to relax, now we can read a book , surfing Facebook . really helps to relax the mind very well. "

Watch a sad movie

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The sad film tends to make viewers feel sympathetic to the character, which will see a better mood.

A study by Sage Journals, a company that specializes in community psychology, showed that a sad movie tends to make viewers feel sympathetic to the character, which in turn will make the mood better for people anyway. My situation is also better. A great sadness (in the film) that has a positive effect will help viewers have a very good relief.

Thinking about death

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Thinking about death-related questions can help our mood improve.

What is the meaning of this life? What do I exist in my life to do? After death, everyone becomes dusty . Thinking about these questions can help our mood better. One study experimented with this, in which they invited 2 volunteer groups, one group was allowed to walk through a cemetery, the other group went through an empty road, almost nothing outstanding.

Going in front of that group will have a person who acts as a "situation actor", who will drop a notebook. For the group of people going through the cemetery, 40% of people stopped and picked up the book to return to the drop. While the group of people were walking on the flat road, no one intended to help the person who dropped the objects, they nonchalantly walked over like nothing happened. The conclusion of this test is that those who go through the cemetery in their heads will think about death, about the dead, and the mood will feel better than the other group.