5 things make you happier

A recent study proves that people can control happiness levels through practice.

A part of the scientific community thinks that happiness is determined by genetics, health and many other factors beyond human control.

"The eternal question is: Can we be happier? Many studies show that the sense of happiness is determined in part by genetic factors and living circumstances. However, we think that people are happy. It is possible to change the level of self-happiness , " said psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky of the University of California.

Livescience said last year Lyubomirsky and her colleagues reviewed 51 studies of happiness. They then published a report in Clinical Spychology. According to the report, people can take the following 5 actions to increase their sense of well-being.

Picture 1 of 5 things make you happier

Artwork of myspace.com.

1. Express gratitude to others

Some studies show that people always feel happy after writing letters or saying thanks to those who helped us. The feeling of happiness lasts for weeks, even months. Even if we write thank you letters but don't send them, the feeling of happiness still appears.

2. Maintain a positive spirit

Optimistic thinking is a habit that people can create by practicing. For example, let us think of beautiful perspectives - find a good job or get more comfortable, knowledgeable friends. Many studies show that if we continuously think of good things in a long time, the satisfaction and joy in us will increase.

3. Remember the lucky things

People who have a habit of writing down or reminiscing at least three good things that happened during the week will feel happier over time. This is the conclusion of some studies.

4. Take advantage of your own strengths

Recognizing your strengths is not difficult, but using them in new ways is challenging for many people. A humorous gifted individual can excel by making jokes at company meetings or chatting with friends. That habit really increases the feeling of contentment with life.

5. Do good things

Countless studies show that helping others is helping oneself. Individuals who actively donate money or contribute to charitable activities often feel satisfied with life until they die. The same thing happens for those who like to work well.