6 simple habits but very good memory training exercises

These habits should be practiced, because it helps your brain train naturally without trying too much.

You walk out of the room, close the door, get off your shoes and finish, and then you realize you've forgotten the phone - the object of separation on the room.

Is the story familiar? In fact, though more or less, each of us will sometimes become distracted and forget many things in life. This forgetfulness can be small, but sometimes causes more serious consequences than you think, and also causes your spirit to wear out every day.

The way to solve this story is to train yourself to record what you need to do. But besides, you can choose to train your brain, sharpening your memory to be sharper. And to do this is not difficult: just practice the following habits.

1. Practice using both hands

Picture 1 of 6 simple habits but very good memory training exercises

We all have a right hand, and most actions are done through it. But try changing the view. For example, if you brush your teeth with your right hand, will you now rotate your left hand? Or when washing dishes, instead of holding hands, please hold the rag with your hand and do not see it.

The reason is because the use of unacceptable hands is a way to force the brain and nervous system to work harder, thereby enhancing memory in the brain.

2. Read books out loud

Picture 2 of 6 simple habits but very good memory training exercises

When reading aloud, hearing will have to receive those sounds and automatically help them to be stored in the brain. You can also switch to listening to audiobooks - also for the same effect.

3. Eat with chopsticks

Picture 3 of 6 simple habits but very good memory training exercises

One thing we still do every day, turns out to be a way to help the brain remember better. The use of chopsticks requires nerves on the fingers to function, and this helps improve the circulation of the brain.

4. Tighten your fist before reading anything

Picture 4 of 6 simple habits but very good memory training exercises

A study by a psychologist in the US has shown that tightening your hands within 90 seconds will complement the process of memory formation. Not to mention when you need to recall, this movement is also very effective.

This is not empty advice. In the experiment of 50 people, those who performed this move also had better memory ability than usual.

5. Open the window when driving

Picture 5 of 6 simple habits but very good memory training exercises

Of course, this habit does not always apply. But if the weather outside is very beautiful, instead of sitting in the air conditioner, open the window and enjoy them.

Your brain will then receive signals between visual sounds and scents, and thereby improve functionality easily.

6. Observe 4 points

Picture 6 of 6 simple habits but very good memory training exercises

This is a fairly complex exercise, but when used and then it will work unexpectedly. When you meet anyone, try to remember their 4 most special points: hair color, shoes, scent, smile .

The reason for this exercise is because we often never look around, or more precisely, not observe enough. Usually when observing, we often stop as soon as the brain points to prepare to remember and save. So if you practice this habit, you will be very hard to forget anything in life.

  • 10 simple exercises for energetic mornings
  • The best method to enhance old-age memory
Update 21 August 2019



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