8 signs of nature are

The poster of the polar bear trying to cling to the iceberg has become old with global warming. There are many other subtle signs that the animal kingdom is being degraded by human intervention.

A few recent examples:

1. Earlier migration : A few birds are pushing early on their annual migration north, when the US east coast heats up, according to a new study published by Global Change Biology. This report reaffirms studies from 2006. Earlier migration does not sound terrible, but scientists warn that distant animals originated in South America, so they will lack information. news about spring time in the northern hemisphere, and it will be difficult to adapt to climate change (such as lack of food or time difference).

2. Jellyfish rule : A global outbreak of jellyfish has caused this tapering creature to hitchhike on ships traveling around the world. In fact, studies show that about a quarter of marine species on international ports are strange creatures that have been migrated from elsewhere, due to human dispersal support.

Picture 1 of 8 signs of nature are

The discovered Phyllorhiza punctata jellyfish in Australia invaded the Gulf of Mexico.
(Photo: LiveScience)

3. Contaminated food chain : Scientists last month found toxic pollutants in nine molluscs in the deep sea. There are at least two substances banned from use are DDT and PCBs. Scientists say it reinforces the notion that pollutants have found deep access to marine food chains.

4. Devouring on 'highlands' . 30 species of reptiles and amphibians have moved to live in colder climates as the earth warms, causing mercury to rise. We can see the extinction phenomenon spreading from 2050 to 2100, scientists say, because eventually "all high lands" will be exhausted.

5. Penguins in danger . The rapid decline in the population of penguins is due to their face of oil pollution, the rapid development of coastal people and the destruction of fishermen. "Penguins are among the species that show us how we have changed our world."

6. Transition of marine life forms : Scientists have seen a significant shift in the composition of coastal marine organisms, caused in part by changes in ocean and magnetic temperatures. vertebrates (fish) to invertebrate species (crab, squid, lobster) as well as bottom-feeding species have moved to feed on higher floors. Meanwhile, warm water species have replaced cold water species in populations.

7. Migrating parasites : Often found in southwestern England, Angiostronglyus vasorum parasites, migrated north due to rising temperatures. They were found on dogs and many other animals living in Scotland.

8. Lack of food : Animals that eat plants in highly seasonal environments such as the Arctic are struggling to feed themselves, because the weather is warmer, making their food bloom before they reach them. that food yard.