Lazy is hereditary

Scientists at the University of California have explained the nature of laziness and, according to them, is a heredity.

Picture 1 of Lazy is hereditary
Lazy can be caused by genetic genes. (Illustration).

Researchers believe that not only the love of labor but also the lifestyle is largely genetic. Before determining this in the person they demonstrated on the mouse. They took 224 mice divided into 8 lines, 4 lines of very active ones and 4 lines that were slow, lethargic, and lazy.

The experiment lasted several generations of mice enough to show that when the parents were active, their children and grandchildren were also active and vice versa. On that basis, they believe that the dynamics or not in them clearly show the signs of genetics.

One of the team members, Professor Theodore Garland, said: ' Our conclusions will have a direct effect on human health. We are working to prepare drugs that affect genes that cause stagnation in living activities to make people active . '