(Photo: Livescience)
Caffeine enhances sexual desire, opposites are always attractive to each other, men often release algebra lovers . are compelling stories related to male and female issues this year. Here are 9 outstanding topics voted by Livescience .
Caffeine and sex
You may not need to drink coffee to wake up every day, but you will still use a small amount of caffeine if you know that it can boost sexual desire. Scientists found that female mice were more stimulated to love when they drank caffeine (previously unused). By examining brain circuits, researchers hope to find out which parts of the brain control these irritating behaviors.
Law of Attraction
(Photo: Livescience)
Scientists have gradually understood what characteristics people find most attractive in their partners and their causes. Usually, physical traits such as balance, waist-to-hip ratio, and facial structure will create initial attraction. Beauty also provides information about the opponent's health and fertility. But new behavior has a lasting impact on sustainable relationships.
(Photo: Livescience)
It turns out we all lie when talking about our sex life. In an online survey, psychologists found a lot of fabricated men and women about their lovers. Women often reduce numbers, while men often exaggerate.
Sexual satisfaction
(Photo: Livescience)
Scientists have come up with a number of hypotheses why many animals, including humans, are sexually active, even if they pay a heavy price. A study this year suggested that sexual intercourse would concentrate harmful mutations into certain individuals so that these individuals would later be automatically eliminated by natural selection. But scientists still do not understand why this phenomenon occurs.
Risk in love
(Photo: Livescience)
Women are very difficult to choose their partners, a new study revealed this year, which means that men will have a hard time getting long. Researchers have found that men always resort to risky behaviors to impress women, which means exchanging the survival of each individual to maintain the survival of the race. like.
Contraceptive method for men
Women are not the only breed selected for contraception, after male contraceptives have been tested since the beginning of the year. If these measures are recognized, men will be able to choose between using hormones to prevent sperm production, like women's birth control pills, or using button-like devices. to prevent sperm from escaping from the body.
Sexy sexy
(Photo: Livescience)
Your " story " passion depends on genes. A new study has provided evidence that each person's sexual excitement is determined by DNA, so low energy can be a result of physiological problems, not psychology.
"Slow buffalo drink water inside"
(Photo: Livescience)
The last guy to be lovingly married to her is probably the best way to ensure paternity, at least for the species that the children always meet with a series of mates. The lucky guy in the end will benefit from the predecessors by eliminating the barrier of sperm created by the female immune system.
Allergy to Sex
(Photo: Livescience)
For women who are allergic to semen, this year opened a new hope for them to enjoy the feeling of sex. Doctors have published a way to help women overcome this rare allergy phenomenon to get them acquainted with semen through injections or be exposed to diluted semen.