A skill learned at school helps daughter save her mother's life when she hears abnormal snoring

Using skills learned in school, a teenage girl saved her mother's life after hearing a sign that something was wrong in her mother's snoring. 

Picture 1 of A skill learned at school helps daughter save her mother's life when she hears abnormal snoring

On that fateful day, 14-year-old Melissa Doyle fell asleep in her mother's bed. The little girl was awakened by the unusual sound of snoring from her mother, Clare, 43, who was lying next to her. By this time Miss Clare's face had turned pale and gray.

Melissa immediately dialed 999 and they instructed her what to do because the nearest ambulance took about 40 minutes to reach the mother and daughter.

Fortunately, because she had just learned CPR at school, she immediately took action.

Ms Clare emotional said: 'If Melissa didn't know what to do the morning I went into cardiac arrest, I would've died.'

'Melissa's CPR maintained oxygen to my brain and kept me from brain damage or worse, death, while help waited.'

Ms Clare was then taken to the emergency room at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast. The family faced a lot of anxiety when by day 3, Clare still had not regained consciousness, and doctors warned them that her chances of survival were slim.

Fortunately, Miss Clare finally regained consciousness on Monday morning. She even says: 'I woke up feeling like I had a good night's sleep over the weekend and feeling really refreshed.'

'I didn't know what had happened, so I was shocked to find myself on the hospital bed.'

'The first thing I said was 'Where's my makeup bag and has anyone noticed the dog?'

Doctors have not determined the exact cause of Ms Clare's cardiac arrest, who now has a defibrillator mounted in her chest that helps regulate her heartbeat.

Now, Ms. Clare is also learning CPR and working as a rescue volunteer in the community.

She said: 'I hope people learn (CPR), because you never know when you might need it. Melissa never thought she would need it for me either.'

'When she told me that she had learned CPR at school, I was very pleased, because if children are taught that skill from an early age they will grow up with this skill and have confident enough to use it.'

The news was shared in The Sun newspaper on April 28.

The steps to perform CPR are very simple and you can learn in 15 minutes on Lifesaver.

What are the possible causes of cardiac arrest?

Picture 2 of A skill learned at school helps daughter save her mother's life when she hears abnormal snoring

Cardiac arrest may be related to a personal or family history of heart disease.

Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart suddenly stops pumping blood around the body. Some people who have had a cardiac arrest will fall to the ground unconscious, breathing irregularly and possibly stopping, unresponsive.

Cardiac arrest can be caused by:

  1. Coronary heart disease
  2. Heart attack
  3. Cardiomyopathy
  4. Congenital heart disease
  5. Heart valve disease
  6. Acute myocarditis

When cardiac arrest occurs, immediate action is required, first calling an ambulance, then performing CPR which can help maintain life while waiting for an ambulance.

Does cardiac arrest happen to young people? How to prevent?

On June 12, 2021, Danish footballer Christian Eriksen collapsed on the field during the opening match of Euro 2021 against Finland. Denmark team doctor Morten Boesen confirmed on Sunday, June 13, that the Inter Milan player had suffered a cardiac arrest.

Even when looking very healthy, a young person can still go into cardiac arrest. Some are related to lifestyle and family history.

The best way to increase survival from cardiac arrest is to prevent it in the first place. Achieving and maintaining heart health is essential by staying active, controlling blood pressure, cholesterol levels, being at a healthy weight, and not smoking.

Picture 3 of A skill learned at school helps daughter save her mother's life when she hears abnormal snoring

More and more people are choosing to meditate to keep their heart healthy and clear their mind. 

Cardiologist Benson at Harvard Medical School, instructed patients to meditate for 20 minutes a day, the results showed that the patient's blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen consumption were 17% lower than normal.

  1. How great is the practice of meditation?

Why is meditation beneficial for the human body? Just cross your legs and join your arms, the work of the heart will be lightened. The reason is very simple, our heart is likened to a pump that continuously contracts to bring blood everywhere to serve the body's activities, but when you cross your legs and join hands, the energy that your body needs will increase. consumption is reduced, so the heart can slow down.