A warning for those who do not wash new clothes before wearing

The habit of wearing new clothes right away without washing is always the potential of diseases that you cannot expect.

The habit of wearing new clothes right away without washing is always the potential of diseases that you cannot expect.

Every time we buy clothes, we ask the seller to give the products that no one has tried, but they are still in plastic bags and boxes.

But it's hard to know how many people touch the outfit or try it before they become your item.

" Consumers always want to buy a shirt that has not been tried by anyone, to go home and wear it to work. Not only men, but many women also have this habit.

Picture 1 of A warning for those who do not wash new clothes before wearing

Many people have a habit of buying new clothes and wear them instead of washing them, this is a bad habit.

But this is not good for your health at all, " said Philip Tierno, director of microbiology, New York University at New York University, USA.

The team led by Dr. Tierno examined 14 popular items such as coats, underwear, coats and other types of clothing sold from high-end to affordable stores.

They found traces of vaginal secretions, many types of bacteria, yeasts and even viruses that cause diarrhea are present on the fitting room items and products returned by buyers.

"Some items contain bacteria that are higher than allowed. The risk may be infected if you try on wet clothes because of sweat, clothes that have too many people tried or preserved in conditions. poor hygiene , " Tierno explained.

Wash new clothes before wearing

Organisms can survive for weeks or even months on clothes, Tierno said. To limit infection, try to limit new clothes when buying, especially spandex and underwear.

Not only that, toxic chemicals such as azo-aniline dyes and anti-wrinkle chemicals , formaldehyde inhibitors are also the two main "culprits" that cause skin irritation such as itching, redness, and scab. on the skin.

Newly purchased clothes should be washed in warm water and dried in a dry place before wearing. This method helps to kill pathogens and remove toxic chemicals used to preserve clothes.

Update 15 December 2018



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