Acsimet - the great scientist of ancient Greece

Syracuse's Archimedes is a mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and a Greek astronomer. Although little is known about his life, he is considered one of the leading scientists of ancient times.

Syracuse's Archimedes is a mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and a Greek astronomer. Although little is known about his life, he is considered one of the leading scientists of ancient times.

Picture 1 of Acsimet - the great scientist of ancient Greece


Acsimet (284 - 212 BC) - a teacher, a great scientist of ancient Greece, was born in the city of Syracuse, a city of ancient Greece. Acsimet's father was a famous astronomer and mathematician Phidias , personally educated and instructed him to go deeply into these two disciplines. At 7 years old, he studied natural science, philosophy, and literature. Eleven-year-old he went to study in Egypt, was a student of the famous mathematician Euclid ; then Spain and permanently settled in Cyracuse, Sicile. Financially supported by the royal family, he devoted entirely to scientific research.

Acsimet has many great contributions in the field of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy.

  • In terms of Physics , he was the one who invented the pump used to irrigate the Egyptian field, the first to use the system of levers and pulleys to lift things up, who sought make the law of water's thrust.
  • Regarding Mathematics , Acsimet solved the problem of calculating the length of curves, spiral lines, especially he calculated Pi by measuring images with many inward and outward angles.
  • On Astronomy , he studied the movements of the Moon and the stars.

Acsimet throughout his life passionately studied and studied. It is said that he found the law of water's propulsion while bathing. He happily jumped out of the bath, ran straight to the office but forgot to wear clothes, his mouth cried out: "Errca! Erica (Found it! Found it!). During the Greek war against The invasion of Rome, Acsimet invented many new weapons such as rock-throwers, boat hooks, especially in which an optical weapon was used to burn enemy boats, the city of Xicacudo was protected for up to 3 years. When the invaders fell down, they saw that he was still sitting and studying the pictures on the ground, shouting, "Don't delete my drawings , " before being hit by the spear. of the enemy stabbed into the chest Acsimet was heroically sacrificed as a resilient soldier.

Acsimet is a passionate patriot . In the final stages of his life, he took part in defending his homeland against Roman invaders. He led the construction of complex engineering works and the manufacture of resistance weapons. More than two thousand years have passed since Acsimet was killed by the Roman army, but the people still remember the image of a patriotic, patriotist, inventor of theory as well as practice and figure. photo of a person who devoted his whole life to science and to the country until the last hour.

Picture 2 of Acsimet - the great scientist of ancient Greece

The works he found

  • Formula to calculate the area and volume of prism and spherical shapes.
  • Decimal number of Pi. In the year -250, he proved that Pi numbers lie between 223/7 and 22/7
  • The approximate method of the circumference of the circle from the hexagons is inscribed in the circle.
  • Parabole focal length properties
  • Inventing lever, nailing Ac Acetet (possibly due to Archytas de Tarente), cog wheel.
  • Manufacturing war machines when Cyracuse was besieged by Roman forces.
  • Construct the unending spiral of Acsimet (possibly by Conon de Samos)
  • Calculate parabole area by dividing into endless triangle
  • Hydrostatique, Acsimet propulsion, Focus Barycentre
  • Blocks Acsimet (Solides Acsimet)
  • The first forms of integrals.

Many of his works were not known until the eighteenth century, the nineteenth century, Pascal, Monge and Carnot did their work based on Acsimet's work.

Works he wrote about

  • Balance of floating objects
  • The balance of planes on mechanical theory
  • The magic of Parabole
  • Spheres and spheres for Mathematics. This work defines the sphere area according to the radius, the surface area of ​​the cone from its bottom area.
  • Spiral (that is the spiral of Acsimet, because there are many types of spiral)
  • Cones and spheres (volume formed by the rotation of a plane around a axis (surface de révolution), paraboles rotating around straight lines or hyperbole
  • Calculating the circumference of the circle (He gave the approximate calculation of the Pi figure that Euclidean discovered.
  • Book discussing methods for discovering Mathematics. This book was only discovered in 1889 in Jerusalem.
  • About the center and the planes: it is the first book about the focus of barycentre (literary meaning is "heavy mind")

Acsimet - I found out

One day the ancient Greek king wanted to make a new and beautiful crown . The king asked the goldsmith to come, give him a shiny gold ingot asking him to do it quickly for the king of the crown.

Shortly after the crown was finished, it was made very sophisticated and beautiful, the King was very pleased and the team went back and forth in front of the great gods. At that moment there was a whisper: "Is the crown of your majesty so beautiful, but you don't know if it is true gold? " After the king heard the call, he told the goldsmith to come and asked: " The crown you made for me Is it all gold? "

The goldsmith suddenly blushed and bowed to the king, saying: "Your majesty respects, the number of gold. The person who brought you all used up, not enough to admit it is not missing. It is as heavy as gold. Do you give it to me? "

The gods brought the crown to test, the result was not missing, the king had to drop the goldsmith about. But the king knew that the jeweler's words were hard to believe because he could use silver to replace gold with the same weight that looked outwardly unseen.

The sad king said to Acsimet, Acsimet told the King: " This is a difficult problem, please help me to clarify this."

Arriving home, Acsimet weighed the crown and gold bar, exactly the same weight. He put the crown on the table to watch and think to the point that the waiter ordered to eat but still did not know.

He thought: "The crown is as heavy as gold, but silver is lighter than gold, if the crown is mixed with a heavy amount of silver, the amount of gold removed, so the crown must be bigger than the crown. How to know the volume of this crown and the volume of the crown made of gold, which one is big, which one is small? it took time. "Acsimet thought again:" Of course, I can cook this hat and cast it into gold to see if it is as big as the old gold ingot, but so surely the king does not agree, it is best to think What other way to compare their volumes?

Picture 3 of Acsimet - the great scientist of ancient Greece

Smart Acsimet suddenly became quiet, he thought hard and still could not find a way. He often sat quietly all day, people said he was "secret ".

One day Acsimet went to take a bath, because he pondered so that the water could fill the bathtub, about to overflow. He stepped into the bath, the water spilled out, the more he drowned in the water, the more water spilled out. Acsimet was awakened, his eyes suddenly lit up, he watched the water spill out of the tank and thought: Can the water overflow with the volume of his body occupied in the water tank? He was very happy, immediately filled the bathtub with water and again entered the tub, then did it again. Suddenly, he suddenly ran out and clapped his hands and shouted: "I have already discovered it, discovered it!" but forgot to wear clothes.

On the second day, Acsimet experimented in front of the King and the gods and had a goldsmith for everyone to see. He released the crown and the gold ingot and weight into two equal-volume water containers filled with water, then collected the spilled water into the two containers. The results showed that the water on the crown spilled out more than the gold bar.

Acsimet said: " Everyone has seen. It is clear that the crown occupies more water in the country than the gold bar, if the crown is all gold, the amount of water overflowing on both sides will be equal, ie their volume is equal ".

The goldsmith has nothing to prove, the King angrily punishes him. But it was also very scary because Acsimet helped the king solve this difficult problem.

Update 15 December 2018



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