Admire the beautiful array of astronomical images celebrating Hubble's 25 years old

Launched on April 24, 1990, Hubble was initially considered a failure. The optical lens's main lens is deflected, making it "nearsighted", causing NASA to lose sight of the media. Three years later, this aerospace agency tried to overcome the mistake by carrying out a series of ambitious repair tasks in outer space. At that time, this is one of the most complex tasks that NASA has ever faced, just after the task of bringing people to the Moon, because of the very high risk of failure.

The astounding series of astronomical images celebrates Hubble's 25 years old

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Fortunately, NASA succeeded. By 1994, Hubble was out of " close " and began his "career ". Since then, Hubble has become a living monument to discover and understand the universe of humankind . Until now, NASA has done many more Hubble upgrades and repairs, helping to strengthen the observation power of this machine even more.

1/4 century passed, Hubble showed signs of "old age". Scientists predict it will work until 2020 , after " heir " - James Webb - is put on space in 2018. It is still unclear what NASA will do with Hubble after all. But from now until the time of deactivation, Hubble will surely bring more contributions to astronomy and cosmology in the world.

Here are some of the most impressive photos ever taken by Hubble.

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This is a picture celebrating Hubble's 25th birthday, called the Celestial Fireworks.In the center of the photo is the Westerlund 2 star cluster, named after Swedish astronomer Bengt Westerlund when he discovered them in the 1960s. Westerlund 2 has about 3,000 stars, about 20,000 light-years from Earth.

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Pinwheel (Pinwheel), this spiral galaxy lies 25 million light-years away.It is very large, the distance between two opposite stars is about 170,000 light-years apart.

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The clouds of gas that were twisting into the white spot were the ashes of a dead star.This image was taken in 2002. The star in this picture is quite "near" the Earth, about 690 light years away.

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This ghostly hydrogen gas cloud is where new stars will be born.Looking at them is no different from incubators, where the "fetus" stars are germinated.All of them are collectively known as Eagle Eagles.

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Two years ago, the image of the Horsehead nebula was Hubble's "birthday present" with remarkable detail.

Picture 7 of Admire the beautiful array of astronomical images celebrating Hubble's 25 years old
Moc Tinh is a planet with many satellites.In the picture are some Jupiter satellites when it turns towards the Sun with satellite shadows on its surface.However, the black dots in the middle of the picture are the planet's Ganymede and Callisto satellites.

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This mosaic-like picture belongs to the Crab Nebula.This is the rest of the six-year light of a dead star.

Picture 9 of Admire the beautiful array of astronomical images celebrating Hubble's 25 years old
What is the image of another nebula and what do you think it looks like?This is the first time astronomers have recorded such an image and they call it Cat's Eye Nebula (Cat's Eye).

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After transplanting all the spectrum of the Ring, Hubble showed the true image of the nebula.It belongs to the constellation Lyra and is 2,000 light years from Earth.

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Part of the constellation Sagittarius (Sagittarius).These are Omega and Swan nebulae when taken in 1990 and are an active "star" kiln.

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The image of Saturn is taken in every spectrum that Hubble has (ultraviolet, infrared, visible) when it is tilted 27 degrees above Earth, the largest angle of the planet.

Picture 13 of Admire the beautiful array of astronomical images celebrating Hubble's 25 years old

Picture 14 of Admire the beautiful array of astronomical images celebrating Hubble's 25 years old
The picture of this spiral of dust and gas is thought to have suggested Vincent Van Gogh painting Starry Night.But it also looks like a Scorpion painting by Kagaya very familiar to many young people.

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A collage of many other spectra of a nebula, a constellation and some distant galaxies in the back.

Picture 16 of Admire the beautiful array of astronomical images celebrating Hubble's 25 years old
The picture of Whirlpool shows that stars are born (red dots).Dust in the middle of the galaxy is thought to be sucked into the galaxy's massive black hole.

Picture 17 of Admire the beautiful array of astronomical images celebrating Hubble's 25 years old
Two spiral galaxies are colliding.

Picture 18 of Admire the beautiful array of astronomical images celebrating Hubble's 25 years old
The last photo, also to celebrate Hubble's 21st birthday, is called the Rose of Galaxies, inspired by the rose-like spiral image of some galaxies.

And to finish, invite you to admire the 3D movie about the constellation Westerlund 2, Hubble's 2015 birthday theme.Don't forget to choose HD mode to enjoy the beauty of these stars!You can also click here to download original NASA photos.