ADSL service: Turtle speed!

The market of ADSL broadband Internet services 'explodes', growing at a dizzying speed! But the low quality and bad customer care is still the most concerned story for many ADSL users.

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Picture 1 of ADSL service: Turtle speed!

Wait . in turn signing the contract to install ADSL service of Netsoft (photo taken on November 30, 2006) - Photo: Nhu Hung

When I joined hundreds of people, I was given a number order by the staff of Ho Chi Minh City Informatics Company (Netsoft) to register for ADSL installation. Only 9:30 am but my order number is 1,107. And the waiting moments started . Waiting for the wait, a customer of Netsoft said that he had read many pages of the book, but it was not a turn to enter the room . to sign the contract. Soon there was a sigh: ' Why is it so long? How slow is that? It took all morning '!

Mr. Hoang Minh - Director of Netsoft - said: ' The last promotion has helped increase the number of subscribers of ADSL services five times higher than normal '. Every month, thousands of new ADSL service subscribers of Netsoft are installed. However, Mr. Nguyen Huu Loc - Head of Marketing Department of Ho Chi Minh City Post Office - affirmed: ' Netsoft - a unit under Ho Chi Minh City Post Office - only meets approximately 50% of installation demand. ADSL service of HCMC people '. According to Mr. Loc, striving for the end of this year, going to the beginning of next year will meet about 70-80%.

The market of ADSL services continuously has promotions with the biggest goal of service providers is ' racing for subscribers about themselves as much as possible '. Total subscriber ADSL in HCMC is approximately 200,000, of which the majority of market share providers are Netsoft, FPT, Viettel .

ADSL service: sharing and . sharing !?

* ' I fully support the review of the ADSL quality assurance rules, including the minimum speed standard issue . In my opinion, the management agencies need to check and measure. . often to assess the quality of this type of service and the results must be publicly available to consumers '.

Mr. NGUYEN HUU LOC - Head of Marketing Department of Ho Chi Minh City Post Office

* ' We are ready and able to equip all kinds of test equipment to check and evaluate the quality of ADSL services. However, so far the local state management agency has not been assigned the task and has the function to directly inspect and evaluate the quality of ADSL services. So there is no legal basis for doing these things. Currently we can only coordinate with the functional units of the Ministry of Post and Telematics . '.

Mr. LE MANH HA - Director of Ho Chi Minh City Department of Post and Telecommunications Ms. K.Dung - the subscriber of ADSL MegaVNN service provided by Netsoft - said in a very disgruntled voice, 'Do n't know broadband Internet, speed height . what kind of network is slow as a turtle, waiting for fatigue ". According to Ms. K.Dung, the situation of 'turtle speed' is not so frequent before, but somehow this situation has been continuous recently.

Complaints about quality of ADSL services often focus on service providers such as Netsoft, Viettel, FPT .

The Tuoi Tre newspaper's hotline in recent times has continuously received feedback from readers about the poor quality of ADSL service, slow speed, and low network; Call the customer support number no one heard. Download speeds are only a few dozen kbps, sometimes even 10-15 kbps . and this is completely contrary to what many advertising service providers' download speeds can be up to. thousands of kbps'.

Responding to these complaints, Mr. Nguyen Huu Loc argued that the nature of ADSL services is shared and shared capacity. Therefore, when the user is less, the access speed is fast, while the reverse is slow.

According to Mr. Loc, here is the same as the water supply network, on a pipeline if few people use it, the water pressure is strong, water is flowing much; when there are too many users, the pressure is weak, the water will weaken. Mr. Loc also acknowledges the quality of ADSL services, ' the reflection of ADSL users about the bad customer care situation is reasonable '.

Mr. Dang Hong Minh - Director of FPT Broadband Internet Center - pledged to " stop signing the contract, collect money to install ADSL service of customers but do not have a gateway to connect, connect, and arrest customers. long wait '.

Mr. Nguyen Quoc Thong - Netsoft Planning Manager - also committed that there will be no "keeping" customers by signing a contract but then leave it, there is no connection port for them.

Regarding the speed of Internet access by ADSL service, service providers only commit maximum speed. According to the analysis of experts, ' from a certain point of view, the commitment to the maximum speed of each ADSL service package is meaningless to users, because the faster the access speed is, the better for them .'

Because there is no 'standard under commitment', there are times when the speed of internet access via ADSL service is too slow, so low, and even if it falls so low, it does not violate the commitment to customers. It is possible that service providers are afraid of expanding the line to increase costs, affecting profits.