After the age of 30, fertility decreases continuously

Leading experts warn women who want children that their biological clocks run very fast. At the age of 30, women should do MoT fertility - a general test of fertility - to improve the chances of being a mother.

Picture 1 of After the age of 30, fertility decreases continuously

The ability to give birth decreases with age.Above image is the probability of becoming pregnant after one year of women's relationships in age groups.(Photo: DailyMail)

Professor Bill Ledger said that many women are unaware of their ability to give birth rapidly. But the test will show how fast the biological clock runs, and help them plan their families before it's too late.

" Many women don't realize the importance of age when it comes to childbirth. They think 'that can't happen to me. I'm 37 years old, go to aerobics 2 times a week, don't drink alcohol , I don't smoke, I see everything in me is still completely youthful. 'Well, that's true, except for your ovaries ,' said Professor Bill Ledger.

From age 35 onwards, fertility declines rapidly, and decreases more rapidly afterwards. At that time, even if I lost money to do IVF, the effectiveness was not much. Even by the mid-40s, the probability of success with IVF is only about 5%.

Tony Rutherford, president of the British Breeding Association, said: " If a woman regrets having a baby too late - I mean 36 - she's gambling with life ," he said.