BPA breaks human fertility

A study in the United States showed exposure to BPA - a chemical used to produce household products, affecting human fertility, according to Health24, July 31.

Journal Human Reproduction July 31 published research by scientist Catherine Racowsky, Director of the Reproductive Technology Support Laboratory of Brigham and Women's University (USA) and colleagues on the impact of exposure BPA infection for human fertility.

Picture 1 of BPA breaks human fertility
Sperm approaches eggs for fertilization - (Photo: Shutterstock)

BPA (Bisphenol-A) is an artificial chemical used to make PC plastic (polycarbonate) - the plastic is still used to produce many household products such as bags, boxes, bottles and plastic items.

The team tested 352 eggs of 121 patients who treated infertility at the hospital.

They exposed eggs to concentrations of BPA at concentrations ranging from 20ng / ml to 200ng / ml and left 1 egg not exposed to BPA as a control.

Then, when testing the eggs exposed to BPA, they found a decline in the number of mature eggs, increased numbers of degenerative eggs and increased spontaneous stimulation, an abnormal process in which eggs work as if fertilized even though they have not been fertilized.

When reducing BPA dose, they found that the number of mature eggs increased, the number of eggs degenerated and the spontaneous stimulation decreased.

Previous studies on the effects of exposure to BPA for animal eggs have similar results.