Alien lake more than 1 million km2 wide discovered

Larger than any lake on Earth, Lake Eridania could be living evidence of an ancient alien life world.

Larger than any lake on Earth, Lake Eridania may be living evidence of an ancient alien life world.

According to Sci-News, new images from the HRSC camera on the European Space Agency's (ESA) Mars Express spacecraft have helped determine that a strange terrain area called Caralis Chaos on the red planet is actually the remains of a giant lake.

Picture 1 of Alien lake more than 1 million km2 wide discovered

Complex terrain area where a giant alien lake resides - (Photo: ESA).

ESA named this lake Eridania . At over 1 million square kilometers and very deep, Lake Eridania once held more water than all the other lakes on Mars combined.

It is also much larger than any lake on Earth, containing enough water to fill the Caspian Sea three times.

It is likely that this lake existed about 3.7 billion years ago, initially as a large body of water that gradually dried up and split into smaller lakes.

Eventually, Lake Eridania disappeared completely, along with water elsewhere on Mars.

Today in the Caralis Chaos area, the boundary of this lake can still be observed curving upwards.

The old lake bed is now filled with high mounds of earth, thought to have been formed by harsh winds before the lake formed. As water began to appear, the original mounds were transformed. As the water gradually disappeared, the mounds' surfaces dried and cracked.

Besides the water, there are clear signs of ongoing volcanic activity in and around the Caralis Chaos area, including two cracks that cut across the ancient lake bed.

'These faults are called Sirenum Fossae faults and were formed when Mars' Tharsis region - home to the largest volcanoes in the Solar System - rose up and put enormous pressure on the Martian crust,' ESA scientists said.

Volcanic " wrinkles " in the terrain combined with the complex terrain of ancient lakes and "scars" from meteorites hitting the Martian surface over billions of years have created the spectacular terrain we see today.

Recently, there has been growing support for the theory that Mars had water like Earth 3-4 billion years ago. That is also the period when scientists believe that underwater life existed.

Therefore, Lake Eridania and similar discoveries are living evidence for the argument of "green Mars", as well as a promised land for missions to search for traces of extraterrestrial life.

Update 01 October 2024



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