A US solar power company wants to build a photovoltaic plant in Vietnam to increase power output.

A photovoltaic plant in Narbonne, France. (Photo: New York Times).
First Solar 's website, which is based in Tempe, Arizona, USA, said its management wants to build two new factories in Vietnam and the US to increase electricity production by 500 MW.
First Solar has photovoltaic plants in the US, Malaysia, Germany and France. Currently, the total output of the company is 1,400 MW. The company wants to double power output to more than 2,700 MW in 2012 and the project to build two new factories is part of the plan. Two factories use new generation ultra-thin photovoltaic batteries and are designed to increase capacity in the future.
' The expansion of photovoltaic plants helps us meet US electricity demand, while accelerating the roadmap to reduce solar energy prices ,' said Rob Gillette, First Solar's chief executive expression.
Each new photovoltaic plant in the US and Vietnam will create about 600 jobs, First Solar said.