American doctors instruct how to sleep to help remove toxins from the brain

Recent research also shows that your brain has a poison management system, similar to the lymphatic system in your body. This system is called glymphatic, which is activated during the time when we sleep to help eliminate brain toxicity effectively.

Researchers at the University of Rochester Neuromedic Medical Center believe that sleep is a must for good health, especially brain health.

What is glymphatic system?

In the body, lymphatic system is responsible for removing waste from any cell. However, the lymphatic system does not include the brain. Your brain is a closed system, protected by an impenetrable blood and skull barrier.

In an earlier animal study, Dr. Nedergaard found that the brain has its own waste treatment system, similar to the lymphatic system, called glymphatic .

Picture 1 of American doctors instruct how to sleep to help remove toxins from the brain
American Dr. Joseph Michael Mercola.

US Dr. Joseph Michael Mercola said numerous previous studies have concluded that lack of sleep can seriously affect your immune system, causing physical stress and disease.

It's very simple, because even if you do everything right, if you don't get enough sleep, your health is still seriously affected.

By pumping cerebrospinal fluid through brain tissue, the glymatic system pushes waste from the brain into the body's circulatory system, passing through the liver where it is completely removed.

During sleep, the glymphatic system is 10 times more active than alert.

Also during sleep, brain cells shrink about 60%, which creates a larger gap between cells, making the CSF more space to remove toxins from the brain more effectively.

Evidence is Amyloid - beta , proteins formed on brain plaque in Alzheimer's patients are removed in a more significant amount during sleep.

Picture 2 of American doctors instruct how to sleep to help remove toxins from the brain
Do not sleep in an electromagnetic environment.

How to sleep soundly, effectively discharge toxins

Here is how to optimize the sleep that Dr Mercola advises people to apply to have a good night's sleep, to help the brain discharge more effectively:

  1. Avoid watching TV or using your computer at night , or at least 1 hour before you go to sleep, because these technological devices can negatively impact your sleep. TV and computer monitors emit blue light, almost like the light you must be exposed to during the daytime.

This causes your brain to misunderstand that the time is still day, thus preventing melatonin secretion.

In the normal state, your brain begins to release melatonin between 9am and 10pm, causing a feeling of sleepiness. When affected by the light of TV devices and computer screens, the brain reacts to the wrong time, leading to insomnia.

  1. Sleep in the dark . Even a little light in the room can disrupt the biological clock, affecting the production of melatonin and serotonin. So, close your bedroom door, turn off all light devices to get a good night's sleep, helping your brain to discharge more effectively.
  2. Keeping room temperature no higher than 21 degrees Celsius . Dr Mercola said many people have a habit of keeping the bedroom at room temperature too high. Studies show that the optimal room temperature for sleep is from 15 to 21 degrees. Depending on the preferences of each person you can choose to remove a few layers of clothing, or add a layer of blanket.
  3. Take a hot bath for 90-120 minutes before bed . This activity helps to raise your body temperature and you will feel more alert, more active, but then the body begins to cool down, you will feel more comfortable at rest.
  4. Do not sleep in an electromagnetic environment . Electromagnetic waves can affect melatonin and serotonin production and many other effects. Experts recommend turning off all energy equipment in your home before you go to sleep to reduce the effect of electricity from the body.
  5. Keep your alarm clock and other electronic devices away from your bed. If you must use these devices, keep them away from the bed as far as possible, at least 1 meter. This helps you reduce stress, avoid waking up in the middle of sleep.

Picture 3 of American doctors instruct how to sleep to help remove toxins from the brain
Take a hot bath for 90-120 minutes before bed.

Besides, the light and sound emitted from the clock can prevent melatonin production, bad interference in your sleep.

Mobile phones, cordless phones and charging devices should be left outside the bedroom to prevent electromagnetic waves.

Dr. Mercola recommends that you do not use sleeping pills when you cannot sleep, best, listen to your body. If you feel tired when you wake up, your body needs more sleep.

Sleeping pills cannot solve the cause of insomnia, the brain is only being deceived by the substances in sleeping pills. In addition, people taking sleeping pills were at a higher risk of dementia, a four-fold increase in the risk of death and 35% of cancer risk. Ideally, you should address the root cause of insomnia.