An exotic chicken egg, the shape is no different ... feces

Ordinary chicken eggs are oval but recently, Gea Berculo - a rancher in Gelderland, Netherlands, found a strange egg, shaped like a stool.

Ordinary chicken eggs are oval in shape, but recently, Gea Berculo - a rancher in Gelderland, Netherlands, found a strange egg, shaped like feces.

According to the information, Gea Berculo has been farming for 15 years. Recently, she found an oddly shaped egg in the chicken coop. Unlike other oval-shaped eggs, the strange egg is shaped like a feces.

Picture 1 of An exotic chicken egg, the shape is no different ... feces

This strange egg is shaped like a feces.

"When I took the eggs, I didn't see them, I simply reached into the chicken coop and picked up the eggs as always. By the time I saw its shape, I was scared and my head was empty. I had never seen it. Such eggs, " said Beaul Gea.

According to Piet Kroon, spokesman for the Barneveld Bird Museum, the egg that Gea Berculo discovered was quite rare and very special in shape, "has not been found since 1950".

According to Rick van Emous, an egg specialist at Wageningen Agricultural University, he thinks that this strange egg-shaped stool may be the product of a disease called Newcastle disease .

Picture 2 of An exotic chicken egg, the shape is no different ... feces

This fruit may be the product of a disease called Newcastle disease.

According to research, Newcastle disease is an infectious disease, affecting the poultry industry very much in the 1940s and 1950s. The disease kills a large number of poultry in Scotland and makes farmers miserable. Fortunately, this disease only causes birds to die. For humans, it will make people infected with mild flu or conjunctivitis.

Because of this disease, Gea Berculo's chickens should be vaccinated.

On the strange-shaped egg, Gea Berculo decided to give it to the Barneveld Poultry Museum.

Update 18 December 2018



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