Animals break every record

We think animals do not think. Yet, the miraculous abilities of nature and the struggle for survival gave them the thought to understand.

Marvel at the record of animals

Record of "that story"

The shortest mating time belongs to the small antelope and the elephant: once the sex of these two species only consists of 10 and 20 seconds. The time for each maki monkey in Madagascar is 2 hours.

However, the record belongs to the rat species: 12 hours. For this reason, after mating with children, a male mouse only survives 5-10 days.

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The record of the number of mating times belongs to the lion : it can do " sex" 86 times / day.

And the female mantis makes people have to keep their eyes open because the mantis feeds on their partner right after being satisfied.

Perhaps this is a bloody experience for your neighbor spider friend to learn from. To avoid being eaten by spiders, male spiders find themselves a way out: giving their lover a prey. And while the lover is busy hitting the cup, the male spider acts. When the female spiders realize, . the already.

The wolf is famous for being fierce, but the most gentle animal in the "room ".

The most common animal is squirrel : a gray male squirrel can live for 18 consecutive years with a single mate.

Sleep record

Having just slept for 4 hours a day was considered a record. Yet now scientists still discover that Dall dolphin never sleeps.

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In contrast, there are some animals that are born only to sleep. First of all, there are cats with 14 hours a day.

The brown bear in the Pyrenees (France) sleeps during the cold winter. Not giving up, the macotropic sleeps for 6 months.

However, the record of sleeping again belongs to African sloth and tail-pack animals because they spend 80% of their time sleeping, ie 19 hours a day.

Record of weight and size

Water is the habitat of the largest animals. The longest is the giant jellyfish : 75 m (equal to 6 tailed buses). After that, blue whales are included : 35 m. The third row is the giant whale shark with 18 meters from head to tail. Closer to us , crocodiles, pythons and stingrays are also in the "top ten" in length with 8 meters. Compared to the aforementioned species, giraffes and elephants, although adding both a neck and a spigot, are only in the row: a deer with the longest neck is only 6 meters; and the elephant had to succumb to 4 meters of the hose.

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In terms of weight, the champion belongs to the blue whale . The heaviest can reach 190,000 kg, which is equivalent to the weight of 30 elephants combined. The second is whale shark (40,000 kg). Giant elephants only ranked third because they weighed only 6,000 kg. In addition, rhinos and hippos also have significant weight: 3,000 kg per animal.

Record of life expectancy

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It seems that nature has taken the living part of the phytoplankton to add to the turtles . However, while this insect only lived for a day, the old turtle lived 150 years old. And the longest living record of seagulls : it only suffered when it had lived 80 years.

Animals are the most muscular

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Everyone thought that horses all the way of life only knew how to break the record of muscle mass. In fact, a normal horse has 1,200 wires. However, the record belongs to the worm with 2,000 muscles concentrated in the ring burning. This explains why they can twist or turn themselves so easily.

The most toothed animals

"Laughing ten teeth" - this is only true for humans. A crocodile just "open mouth smile" also revealed 120 teeth. Throughout life, a crocodile has more than 3,000 teeth, ie its teeth fall back 25 times. However, the most toothed record belongs to sharks when it has a 3,000-piece white jewelry set that any toothpaste maker must want. As soon as one is lost, another is waiting for the right position and will grow right away. Like that, throughout life, sharks have 20,000 teeth.

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The record for the largest and heaviest teeth belongs to elephants . The weight of the elephant's milk teeth also weighs 4 kg. And each of the lower molars of hippopotamus weighs 1 kg. Not much, not big, not as heavy as the teeth of sharks, elephants or hippos, but the sea lion's teeth make people remember because it is 80 cm long, the height of a baby up to 5 years old.

Most voracious animals

Leading the list of voracious animals is elephants . Each day an adult elephant consumes 200 kg of hay, drinking 200 liters of water. Next, we have to mention vultures and lions , each meal they can eat up to 40 kg of food. Monkeys are famous for their fast food, they can eat up to 50 bananas. For their part, every day, the red-necked bird consumes a total of 4.3 meters long (equal to the length of a car). Crocodile is no less special in eating: regardless of live prey, alligators can eat ice.

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In terms of fasting, the snake family must be called king: every year only . 8-10 meals are enough for them; a python can starve for 12 months in a row, but once it encounters a black-footed antelope, it can re-eat the 60 kg.

Record of pregnancy time

The shortest-lived animal is the marsupial in America: 12 days. Next is the mouse : 3 weeks. This is also the reason why this world has so many mice. The third position is rabbits : one month and can lay 5-12 heads / time.

Animals that give birth for the longest time are rhinos : 1 year 6 months 20 days and Asian elephants : 2 years 1 month. But the record belongs to the black salamanders living in the Alps (France): 3 years 2 months and 20 days.

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Record of smell

If anyone tells you that dogs are the most auditory animals, don't believe it. Dogs are only ranked third in their ability to recognize smells from afar. Breaking records in this area is moths . A male male (we often know it in the form of silkworms) can smell the smell 11 km away. After that, sea ​​otters can detect smoke smell 8 km away. Sharks can detect the smell of a small drop of blood dissolved in 115 liters of water. The dog is only ranked third in terms of detecting odors at a distance, but it is led by the list of animals that distinguish many odors: 100,000 different odors (remember that an expert who smells good can only distinguish 3,000 smells only).

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Record of building a nest

The largest nesting animal is the eagle : scientists discovered in Ecosse a 4.5 m deep nest due to the eagle itself making mines and toenails.

The most successful is the nest of swallows : to build a nest, the swallow must fly again and again 1,000 times to use the mud to mix with mud to make materials.

The beaver gnawed on a piece of 20 cm diameter oak in less than a night to build a nest.

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Record of hearing

The strongest cry belongs to the blue whale . It is calculated that its voice can reach the sound intensity of a rocket that takes a space shuttle into space. On the other hand, because there is a very good ear, the blue whale can communicate with the same species on the other side of the ocean.

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The cry of a monkey can be heard within 15 km. And the starling bird is in the Guinness book with a "chirping" sound like a cow bellowing and broadcasting 4 km away. If you want to be quiet, it is best to be close to the rabbit 's territory: to signal danger, this animal only beats a few feet to the ground with its hind legs. For their part, dolphins are still the subject of many studies because their language is very diverse and mysterious. In particular, they can hear ultrasound while humans cannot.

Record of sight

Predatory birds have the best view: migratory birds can recognize a dove at a distance of 8 km; Eagles can spot a hare from above 3,000 m.

The animal with the largest eye is the giant card ink : its lens is 38 centimeters in diameter . equal to the diameter of a basketball.

In mammals, the record horse has the largest eye (5.5 cm in diameter) and the fruit is not wrong when people say that horses see us 7 times bigger than their actual size.

Animals are known for their "beautiful" eyes, most notably St. Jacques . Along his coat, this scallop has 2 eyes series, including many small blue and green eyes; Their number of eyes increases with age.

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Animals run the fastest

Gold medal deserves to be given to leopard species at 101 km / hour. Silver medal belongs to antelope with 98.16 km / hour. There is only a bronze medal with 98 km / hour.

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The best hungry animal

Snakes do not eat, drink, average 78.2 days live, the longest live is 107 days, the children live at least 34 days. If a small amount of water is given to them, the fasting power will increase to once and average 148 days to live, in which the best starving child will live 392 days, the worst will survive 80 days. Why is snake so good at hunger?

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"Fully exploit"

The taste of the snake is huge, there are only one snake that can swallow 4-5 small white mice and sparrows. Snakes can swallow the bird 10 times the size of its head. The ingestion of food in the stomach for 4-5 days has been completely digested, not leaving the bone. A few hairs are left in their droppings. After absorbing all the nutrients from the food, the body weight of the snake increases markedly. For example, if a snake plunges to eat 300 g, its weight will increase by an average of 100 g, the highest increase reaches 72.7% of the feed intake.

Every fall, snakes are busy searching for prey to accumulate energy supplies, preparing for the need for ' dormant inactive'. If you have a snake surgery before this period, you will see that they contain a lot of fat. This is an abundant source of energy that snakes will "burn" gradually in the cold weather of winter.

"Absolute savings"

Touching birds like chickens, pigeons or mammals like cats, dogs and even humans, we all feel very warm. These are isothermal animals . But touching me, you will feel cold. They are thermal animals.

Isothermal animals must always keep their body temperature stable, so much energy needs to be used in the body to maintain this state. If you use up, you must supplement. For example, every day birds need to add a food amount equivalent to their body weight to achieve that goal. As for snakes, one year and four seasons, their body temperature is not the same, and in one day, the body temperature also varies greatly according to changes in environmental temperature. Therefore, solid energy mobilization in the body is much less than isothermal animals.

Comparison between pigs and pythons with the same weight, if every day pigs consume 150 parts of energy supplies, python only needs a part. When hibernating, they consume less. After more than 5 months of lying down, the weight of python only decreased by 2%. In the animal world, turtles and birds also have energy saving techniques on high-class players