The ocean always contains strange mysteries that people never fully understand. In 1997, a series of underwater recording equipment from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Whales are the largest animals that ever existed on this Earth, bigger than the dinosaurs.

Animals are more likely to get lost in their journey from the Indian Ocean to the cold seas in the north.

The team at the Dolphin Biology and Conservation in Cordenons, Italy, analyzed 78 records of how marine mammals handle homosexuals from 1970 to 2016, according to Long Room.

A blue whale can weigh up to 400 tons and has an average lifespan of 30 to 40 years (can also reach 80 to 90 years).

The heaviest terrestrial animal is not equal to the angle of a blue whale.

Boats are a major threat to blue whales, because the animal does not know how to react when it hits.

The US Navy plans to strengthen trials of underwater navigation systems with sound waves in the next five years, despite negative warning for whales and dolphins.

Scientists have recently discovered that blue whales perform acrobatics in the water to attack prey from below.

The image of one of the largest blue whales in the past has been observed and noted by Eddie Kisfaludy veteran aerial photographer and photographer earlier this month.