Antarctic Antarctic fish is about to be extinct

Species with a special ability to produce natural anticoagulants help them survive, currently facing the risk of extinction due to climate change.

Thanks to anticoagulant glycoprotein in the body, notothenioid fish can survive the global freezing phenomenon, causing a large number of organisms to become extinct 42 million years ago.

Picture 1 of Antarctic Antarctic fish is about to be extinct
Glycoprotein is the secret to notothenioid fish survival and development in Antarctica.

Picture 2 of Antarctic Antarctic fish is about to be extinct
Climate change can push notothenioid fish to the brink of extinction.

The glycoprotein helps ice fish have time and space to adapt to the changes of the new ecological environment. And the time when the strongest and most developed breeding fish was determined by researchers was about 10 million years ago.

Currently there are about 100 different notothenioid fish species in the world but the number of species is seriously threatened because they become the main food source of penguins, seals and toothed whales.

According to Professor Thomas Near who works at Yale University, the United States, the key factor pushing notothenioid species to the brink of extinction is a global phenomenon.

Meanwhile, Antarctica is one of the areas most affected by climate change, typically the warmer temperatures in the country.