Anxiety doubles the risk of death from cancer in men

A new study has shown that men with severe anxiety are twice as likely to die from cancer as normal people.

They hypothesized that men may tend to cure their anxiety by drinking alcohol and smoking more. These are the two main factors that increase their cancer risk. In contrast, women often take care of their health, they go to the doctor sooner so if there are cancer cells, doctors can easily identify and be good for treatment.

The researchers said a study was done on 15,938 patients who were diagnosed with an overall anxiety disorder or GDA . These disorders have features such as excessive, constant anxiety, regardless of control in many areas of everyday life. Symptoms may include muscle tension, insomnia, unable to concentrate on work, restlessness and insecurity. A total of 126 men accounted for 1.8% and 215 women accounted for 2.4% found research disorders.

Picture 1 of Anxiety doubles the risk of death from cancer in men
Men need to be careful when suffering from anxiety because it increases the risk of death from cancer twice as high as other normal people.(Photo: Stock).

After a 15-year follow-up period, the team found that men with GDA were twice as likely to die of cancer as normal people. The study was funded by the UK Cancer and Medical Research Council. Thereby, women with anxiety do not show signs of death from cancer.

Olivia Remes, a researcher on neurological health at Cambridge University presented his findings at the Conference of Neuropsychopharmacology of the European university held in Vienna.

"In the past there have been inconclusive studies of the link between cancer and human anxiety," she said. "But we still do the biggest research to consider." seriously, we found that men with overall anxiety disorder were twice as likely to die as cancer as normal people, and this was true even if they included additional factors. Other factors such as age, chronic diseases, serious mental illness, smoking, drinking, physical activity In this case, women do not show any relationship between anxiety and cancer. letter".

Remes added: "Research shows that anxiety is associated with cancer-related deaths in men. We cannot make many conclusions but very likely, men with anxiety have a lifestyle. or other factors that increase the risk of cancer that we have not considered thoroughly yet, but it also raises questions and society may need to consider anxiety, depression as a signal. warning signs for bad health ".

Picture 2 of Anxiety doubles the risk of death from cancer in men
The number of people suffering from anxiety is not small and its effect on health is significant.

She also points out: "Researchers, policymakers and doctors have not given adequate attention to depression and they need to change this. Currently, the number of people suffering from anxiety is not small and its effect on health is significant, with this study, we want to confirm that anxiety is not only a personality trait but a related disorder. intimate with the risk of death from cancer ".

The findings from Ms. Remes's research have received support from former government drug adviser - Professor David Nutt of Imperial University.

Professor David Nutt, former president of ECNP, said: "As a psychiatrist and has run many clinics specializing in the treatment of serious anxiety disorders in the UK, findings This does not surprise me, I fully support the author's position on the need to invest effort in diagnosing anxiety disorders. "