Attended by 10 sea creatures with funny names

The shape and color of grouper or sea slug makes them add the name of some dishes such as potatoes, chocolate.

Sea creatures have funny names

1. Elysia crispata

Picture 1 of Attended by 10 sea creatures with funny names Elysia crispata is shaped like lettuce, especially when they are slightly green in color.Curled and wrapped appendages are called lateral limbs, making them look like lettuce.They absorb energy from sunlight through chloroplasts from algae that they eat.(Photo: Shutterstock)

2. Fishtail (Thalassoma lutescens)

Picture 2 of Attended by 10 sea creatures with funny names Thalassoma lutescens are bright yellow and have long bodies.They often live around coral reefs and grow about 30 cm in length, equivalent to a banana.(Photo: Shutterstock)

3. Chocolate starfish

Picture 3 of Attended by 10 sea creatures with funny names
Chocolate starfish is another name for Protoreaster nodosus starfish.Their brown spines are colored like milk chocolate and dark chocolate.(Photo: Shutterstock)

4. Jellyfish Cauliflower Cephea cephea

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Jellyfish with cauliflower Cephea cephea or also called jellyfish crown.Their name comes from the characteristic of wavy arms and large soup-like shapes.This is also a species that sea turtles or humans can eat.(Photo: Shutterstock)

5. Tomato clown fish

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With eye-catching red color, Amphiprion frenatus is also called tomato clown fish.(Photo: Shutterstock)

6. Bat fish Halieutichthys aculeatus

Picture 6 of Attended by 10 sea creatures with funny names
Bat fish Halieutichthys aculeatus has a flat shape, often living on the ocean floor and is nearly invisible to predators.This species is also known as pancake bat fish.(Photo: NOAA)

7. Fried egg jelly

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Fried egg jelly (Cotylorhiza tuberculata) lives in the Mediterranean.They can grow 33 cm in diameter.(Photo: Shutterstock)

8. Potato fish Epinephelus tukula

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Epinephelus tukula potato fish is about 2.5 m long and weighs an average of 108 kg.They often hide behind coral reefs to sneak prey.(Photo: Shutterstock)

9. Orange peel slugs

Picture 9 of Attended by 10 sea creatures with funny names
The orange peel (Acanthodoris lutea) changes color to warn the enemy that they are unpleasant.Photo: Shutterstock

10. Pineapple fish Cleidopus gloriamaris

Picture 10 of Attended by 10 sea creatures with funny names
Pineapple fish Cleidopus gloriamaris is also known as knight fish because of the scales covering the body.They live off Australia, using luminescence to navigate.(Photo: Shutterstock)