August 23: WWW - 25 years of changing the world

Did you know today, August 23 is the 25th anniversary of the Web's birth?

After 25 years, the World Wide Web continues its mission to revolutionize technology worldwide, creating a profound influence in modern civilization.

About a quarter of a century ago, the World Wide Web was just a vague idea of ​​a young computer expert. According to AFP, Tim Berners-Lee of Cern Research Center in Switzerland initially only wanted to come up with a way to allow easy access to files from multiple computers linked together. However, this idea quickly paved the way for a global phenomenon affecting the lives of billions of people around the world. At that time, the British expert presented his plan on March 12, 1989, and it was the time of recognition as the WWW birth date. However, for those people at that time, such a bold idea seemed unreal, and difficult to implement in practice. Before the project was considered "insolent" , Berners-Lee's Cern colleagues completely ignored, recalled WWW's father.

At that time, few knew that the US military had begun studying the computer network project from the 1950s, and in 1969 the Pentagon deployed Arpanet, known as the 'predecessor' of the network. Global. Therefore, WWW is one of the few rare ideas to be publicized before public opinion. Berners-Lee persuaded Cern to apply his system, proving its useful side by combining the lab phone book into an online note. In this way, expert Berners-Lee demonstrated that the system works throughout computer operating systems. And it has the ability to allow users to click on links if they want to access computers located elsewhere. At this time, WWW is not the best system, but the biggest advantage is free. Other online services such as CompuServe in the US and France's Minitel all charge a fee.

Picture 1 of August 23: WWW - 25 years of changing the world
The bold idea to help young Tim Berners-Lee create WWW - (Photo:

In 1989, Tim released an article titled "Information Management: A Proposal" - Proposal for information management, in which he emphasized that his ambition was to reach the global network, all over the world. The world is connected through a common network. Tim's name for his conceiving child is "World Wide Web" - or WWW today that everyone has to type before visiting a website.

However, at that time the World Wide Web was still a very vague concept, circulating only among the "big eyes and eyes". Until 1991.

Tim Berners Lee created the first network search and access tool. The first website in the world was also launched on August 6, 1991 to explain the concept of World Wide Web to users.

And on August 23, 1991, WWW officially released , allowing public access from anyone, any young and old girl and boy, a pig and cat dog capable of acquiring human knowledge until today. now on. This day was also named "Internaut Day", grafted from the Internet and Astronaut (astronaut), bringing the meaning of humanity to a new world.

To date, there have been 2.8 billion "Internaut" wandering around the galaxy bearing the Internet name every day.

Thanks to Tim Berners Lee, we have an Internet to entertain, to seal, to show, to see if Mai Ngo can eat some rice time, Huyen Thanh does the challenge, to see Minh Plastics crying his wife. How long will Livestream go through, to know if CR7 likes to dress or really just like nail polish, etc. and clouds .

Thanks to Tim Berners Lee, a new world full of rage is open to the world and all humanity is inside. And if you're sticking with phosphates, you're hating the ants who create Web sites like now for people to rip you off, you've got a name to target!

Picture 2 of August 23: WWW - 25 years of changing the world
By August 23, 1991, WWW was officially released.

Interesting things about WWW

• On August 6, 1991, the first website went online.

• NeXT is the world's first web server, and was used to write the first web browser, the World Wide Web in 1990.

• Father Berners-Lee uploaded the first picture on the web in 1992, photographing Cern's band Les Horribles Cernettes.

• WWW marked the turning point in history with the deployment of Mosaic web browser in 1993. This is the University of Illinois graphic browser.

• Archie is considered the first search engine on the internet.

• Porn movies make up the majority of the web, but the first website brought the first .xxx domain tail to the Internet in August 2011.

• Internet and web are often mistaken as two identical concepts.

The Internet only has a vast network of infrastructure connecting millions of computers worldwide, while WWW is a collection of pages of documents, digital photos, music, video and animation files, and people User can access on the internet.