Australia found the missing area of ​​MH370?

Today, August 16, the Australian Traffic Safety Administration (ATSB) announced a set of two reports analyzing data collected during the Malaysian Airlines airline search.

Reports recently announced by Australia may have identified the area MH370 disappeared 3.5 years ago, The Australian newspaper reported.

Today, August 16, the Australian Traffic Safety Administration (ATSB) announced a set of two reports analyzing data collected during the Malaysian Airlines airline search.

The report includes satellite imagery and drift patterns of debris collected from the Indian Ocean. These models are implemented by the Australian Federal Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO).

At the end of last year, drift models helped identify a 25,000-square-kilometer area (just outside the original search area) that could be where the plane fell.

Picture 1 of Australia found the missing area of ​​MH370?

A plane of Malaysia Airlines airline.

But the new drift model narrows the potential search area to 5,000 square kilometers.

Greg Hood, director of the Australian Traffic Safety Bureau, called for caution against new findings.

"Obviously we have to be cautious , " Hood said. "These objects have not been determined to be fragments of MH370".

"The Australian Geological Sciences has identified a number of objects in satellite imagery classified as human-made.

"The resolution is not high enough to ascertain whether these objects originated from MH370 or just other objects, which can be found floating in the ocean around the world."

Mr. Hood added: "The information in the Australian Geosciences and CSIRO reports can be helpful in providing information for any future search efforts."

Picture 2 of Australia found the missing area of ​​MH370?

The fragment is believed to be of MH370 that landed on La Reunion Island, the Indian Ocean.

After nearly three years, the flight search for the number MH370 ended in vain. After scouring the area of ​​120,000 square kilometers in the Indian Ocean, the search team did not find any trace of the aircraft.

Malaysia Airlines aircraft disappeared in March 2014 on the road from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people. The location of MH370 is still one of the largest aviation mysteries in the world.

Update 18 December 2018



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