Beauty and risk of diabetes

Phthalates, commonly used in cosmetics, have the potential to increase the risk of obesity type 2 diabetes , according to research by Uppsala University (Sweden).

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Dr. Monica Lind and colleagues at Uppsala University conducted research with more than 1,000 people over 70 to assess the effects of phthalates - commonly used in beauty products - to the risk muscle with diabetes.

Picture 1 of Beauty and risk of diabetes
Using perfume containing phthalates may increase your risk of diabetes.

After eliminating factors that cause type 2 diabetes, including obesity, smoking and high blood cholesterol levels, scientists found that people with high levels of phthalates in the blood were more likely to develop. insulin resistance - one of the causes of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

'Phthalates are used a lot in beauty products, such as face creams, whitening creams, perfumes and makeup products. They can increase their risk of obesity and diabetes , said Dr. Monica Lind, head of research.

The team found that phthalates have the ability to fight hormone testosterone, causing weight gain in men, while in women, phthalates can cause hormonal weight loss during puberty. Menopause.

According to the Daily Mail, about one billion tons of phthalates are produced around the world each year and they are widely used as adhesives in beauty, hygiene and plastic products for nearly half a century. However, this chemical ingredient is not listed on their product labels by companies.