Big Ben clock tower is inclined 46cm

Big Ben clock tower in 96m tall England is tilting about 46cm to the left.

The famous Big Ben clock tower of Westminster Palace is tilted, and Britain's parliament building is in danger of sinking into the Thames.

A committee is responsible for preserving 19th-century neoclassical architectural heritage held on January 23 to discuss this issue.

Picture 1 of Big Ben clock tower is inclined 46cm
Big Ben clock tower

The British media said that the Commission had drafted an inspection report, which suggested a move to fix it with costs of up to £ 1 billion, while the newspaper Telegrap h said there would be a proposal to sell. For repaired Russian or Chinese specialists at a cost of £ 500 million.

However, a committee spokesman said there was no report of any inspection, and the committee members only met to discuss the establishment of a group responsible for long-term care and restoration. The building was designed by Charles Barry and Augustus Welby Pugin.

'I think there are some people who think about selling the estate to Russians, but they won't discuss anything like that ,' the spokesman said.

However, an expert who once worked on Pisa's leaning tower in Italy and a multi-storey car park in Britain's parliament building said this was not worrisome, and it took 10,000 years for the problem to worry. afraid.