Billions of jellyfish-like creatures

Over the past few days, billions of tiny jellyfish-like strange creatures have washed ashore in the American West Coast, from Southern California to British Columbia.

Over the past few days, billions of tiny jellyfish-like strange creatures have washed ashore in the American West Coast, from Southern California to British Columbia.

These creatures were relying on the wind and flow to the La Push coast, creating a giant tapestry. Local people are very curious about this scene.

Picture 1 of Billions of jellyfish-like creatures

Billions of strange creatures flock to the US coast

Picture 2 of Billions of jellyfish-like creatures

Local people are curious to discover this creature

It is known that this creature has the scientific name Velella Velella with an average length of about 10cm and light blue. Best of all, Velella has a transparent fin on her body. This fins act as sails, helping them move on the sea surface by wind and water flow.

Picture 3 of Billions of jellyfish-like creatures

Velella Velella on the sand

Like the jellyfish, Velella attacks the prey by injecting the paralyzed prey. However, they are not dangerous to humans. Velella often moves in groups of millions of individuals, mainly as marine zooplankton and fish eggs.

Picture 4 of Billions of jellyfish-like creatures

Velella has sail sails

Experts said that although these creatures are shaped like jellyfish, they are not jellyfish. It may be that the wind changes direction or the water changes the flow, causing billions of these organisms to drift here.

Update 17 December 2018



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