Body balance - the key to success

You spread your hand and compare the pinky of your hands. If they are equal, you are more likely to be physically balanced and often lucky in finding a mate. If the two little fingers are the same, you may have trouble finding your second half.

Picture 1 of Body balance - the key to success Now compare the length of your ring finger and index finger. In most women, these two fingers are nearly the same length, while men often have a slightly longer ring finger. The longer the ring finger is, the more likely it is that you are a temperate person with a tendency to be athletic and easily fall into great depression. That is the conclusion of the scientists.

Some researchers believe that the balance of the whole body and the relative length of the ring finger versus the index finger is influenced by the testosterone male sex hormone when the baby is still in the womb. Exposure to this hormone also affects our personality.

Over the past decade or so, many scientists have measured and compared the size of hands, feet, ears, limbs, joints and other parts of the body to see if they provide clues about personality and behavior of people or not.

According to psychology professor Randy Nelson, Ohio State University (USA), up to 170 scientific works were conducted to study the relationship between physical and penchant for sports, hot behavior, susceptibility. early heart attacks and depression, even the tendency of homosexual people.

Gordon Gallup, a professor of psychology and researcher at the National University of New York, said: ' People with symmetrical features are often inclined to sports, low levels of basic metabolism, higher competitiveness and intelligence index (IQ). '

However, some scientists criticize this area as a discarded science. Richard Palmer, a famous biologist at the University of Alberta, said: ' From the beginning I didn't believe those things. I don't think that's a reliable guide to anything . '

Ratio of finger length and gender difference

Finger length studies were started in the late 1990s by John Manning, a research specialist at the University of Lancashire (UK). He was fascinated by a finding: The ratio of finger lengths is one of the very few differences between men and women that appear from the fetal period but are not changed at puberty. This rate still remains in everyone's life.

Manning explains: ' There are many gender differences in people, but most of these signs will become more pronounced when children reach puberty. The ratio of finger lengths alone does not change '.

According to him, it is impossible to know exactly how many percent of men or women have equal length of two finger rings and forefinger.

In a 1999 survey of 102 people of both sexes, Manning found that men with longer ring fingers often score higher on tests for depressive symptoms, meaning the risk of being higher depression. This is not true in women.

However, Manning commented, the balance brings both good and evil. In a survey conducted on men who had a heart attack, he found that in people with longer ring fingers, heart attacks often appear later than those with the same index finger and ring finger.

Long ring finger - good sports

According to Mr. Manning, among many recent works, the most consistent result still belongs to studies that find a link between finger length ratios and sports tendencies.

New research published by the Royal University in London (UK) said that among 607 female twins, aged 27 to 79, who have ring fingers longer than forefinger or play sports more often. compete at higher levels, especially in subjects that need to run as much as football. Previous studies have also shown this model in men. In addition, there are 6 projects concluding that women with long ring fingers often run well.

Long ring finger - impatient temperament

In Ohio (USA), scientists have found a link between the ratio of finger length and temperament through tracking 100 male and female students. People see just how strong the phones are when they receive vulgar comments in a stroke that they think is an invitation to donate to charity. As a result, students who hang up often have people with longer ring fingers or an imbalance in finger length, hand size, foot, wrist diameter, ankle ring, ear size.

Finger ring length and sexual orientation

In San Francisco (USA), scientists measured the finger length of more than 700 men and women, then asked them to answer their sexual choices. The results showed that gay women often have ring fingers longer than index fingers. This is not true for gay men. The work was published in Nature in 2000.

However, Mr. Marc Breedlove - Michigan State University psychologist - who conducted the investigation, warned people not to draw conclusions from measuring the size of their hands or friends. According to him, the study is based on average data and has very low significance for each individual. ' You can't say anything for sure based on a person's finger length. If your index finger is longer than the ring finger, don't panic , 'said Breedlove.

Results are reliable?

In the above studies, people often measure the length of the index finger and divide it by the ring finger length to get "the ratio of fingers" and find that the lower the ratio, the more properties are studied. Critics say this result is suspicious.

According to biologist Richard Palmer, the results of many works are not statistically significant. Furthermore, researchers use a variety of methods to measure finger length and body part size, some use X-ray film, others measure directly. ' How can you measure your fingers? What landmark for the end point? This depends a lot on the person doing the measurement, 'Palmer said.

Manning acknowledges that the reliability of the results is different. ' Of course there is still a lot to do in this area ' - he said.

Balance - the law of all species

According to the researchers, the tendency to choose balance is also true for the entire animal world. Birds, rodents, and other animals often show a strong preference for mate.

Robert Trivers, a research specialist at Rutgers University, New Jersey, explains: ' If you tie the legs of the birds with different colored ribbons, they will always choose the ones that wear the matching bandages. ' . He said, people behave similarly to symmetrical faces. This is also true in the choice of women of men.

Is balance still more?

According to experts, most people have something imperfect, which makes them absolutely disproportionate and oddly this can help them become more attractive. Superstar Brad Pitt is very close to perfect symmetry, but actor Owen Wilson is an example of a man with a disproportionately successful face.

Professor Nelson remarked: ' There are very few people who are perfectly matched. They are often really attractive characters '.

According to Gallup psychologist, based on the length of each finger of each hand, you can roughly comment whether you are symmetrical.

Thu Thuy