Determine the ideal body weight with the Free BMI Calculator

Picture 1 of Determine the ideal body weight with the Free BMI Calculator For those who are sensitive to bad beauty, especially girls, the balance of the body is very important. However, how do you know if your current weight and height are really ideal?

With BMI, you will have the correct and scientific answer right away. This is a tool to help you determine your body weight index (BMI) and give you an ideal weight that you need to strive for in order to have a good body.

Just enter the current weight in Your weight and height in Your height, determine whether your gender is male (Male) or female (Female) in Sex, the program will tell you the body weight index Your current item in Your BMI is and the ideal weight you need to strive for in the Ideal weight section. Also note the brown circle in BMI Chart. That's your BMI in relation to obesity (Obese), excess weight (Overweight), normal (Normal), thin (Underweight) and balanced (Median).

With ultra-compact capacity (only 319 KB), compatible with all Windows, the free version (freeware) of BMI is provided at .

Le Nguyen Bao Nguyen