Boring work makes your brain go stupid

The monotonous repetitive tasks push our brains into the state

The monotonous repetitive tasks push our brains into a " restful " state, whether we want it or not. Then silly mistakes are easy to happen.

Researchers hope to create a brain tracking device to alert early mistakes that will occur, for repeat workers like security inspectors and drivers.

"We can create a device mounted on the heads of people who have to make simple decisions , " said Dr. Eichele at the University of Bergen, Norway. "The device will measure the signal and send the message back to the user that their brain is in a state where the decision will not be accurate."

Picture 1 of Boring work makes your brain go stupid


In the study, Eichele and colleagues asked participants to repeat a simple task. Meanwhile, the brain will be captured by magnetic resonance imaging technology.

The team found that the subject's mistakes were heralded by a model of activity in the brain."We were surprised to find, every 30 seconds before the mistake was made, there was a clear shift in brain activity," said Dr. Stefan Debener at the University of Southampton, UK.

"This demonstrates that the brain has begun to save, by investing less in completing a repeating task. It is reflected in the decline in activity in the prefrontal cortex, and increased activity in the region. brain related to rest ".

Since this situation starts about 30 seconds before an error occurs, a system can be created to warn people to be more cautious before making a decision. This will increase labor safety and improve productivity at repeat jobs such as security checks and driving.

Update 18 December 2018



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