Breakthrough study in the treatment of peanut allergy status

According to a study published in the journal The Lancet on August 16, Australian scientists have just reached a breakthrough in reducing the risk of deadly peanut allergies after discovery. Long-term treatment for this disease.

Through a number of clinical trials conducted by scientists at Murdoch Children's Research Institute in Melbourne, about 60 peanut allergy babies have been given a probiotic form and many small doses of protein containing peanuts within 18 months.

At the end of the trial in 2013, about 80% of these children were not irritated with peanuts. Within the next four years, about 70% of children can still eat these nuts without allergies.

Picture 1 of Breakthrough study in the treatment of peanut allergy status
Peanuts are one of the most common foods causing anaphylaxis hypersensitivity shock.

The research leader, scientist Mimi Tang, said the new finding plays an important role, helping young children with a history of peanut allergy still eat this cereal like normal children. as well as helping babies maintain peanut tolerance and prevent negative side effects to this dish.

Mimi Tang scientist emphasized that the study showed that the treatment was effective in maintaining long-term allergy resistance and based on the most convincing evidence obtained from participants. Experimental four years after the process is over, it can be said that this treatment is "safe".

This study is a big step promising promise in finding an effective treatment to address food allergies in general in Western society.

Currently, about 1 in 20 young children and 1 in 50 adults have food allergies, including seafood, cow's milk, poultry eggs and peanuts.Peanuts are one of the most common foods causing anaphylaxis hypersensitivity shock , causing blood pressure to drop, itching, swelling and difficulty breathing, even a risk of death.