Breast milk can help detect cancer risk early

A new study indicates that protein markers in breast milk can help detect breast cancer in the early stages and even predict whether the person is at risk of dying.

Finding breast cancer in young women in early stages is challenging because mammography and imaging techniques are less effective because young women have thick breast tissue and have a potential relationship between pregnancy. and risk of breast cancer.

Picture 1 of Breast milk can help detect cancer risk early
Biochemical signs of breast cancer can be detected in breast milk.

One of the potential options for detecting breast cancer is monitoring protein biomarkers in body fluids like serum, fluid in milk, tears, urine and breast milk.

US researchers have investigated the biochemical signs of breast cancer that can be detected in breast milk. They compared breast milk samples from women with breast cancer, women without breast cancer, and women later diagnosed with breast cancer. The research team then identified changes in protein expression in breast milk when a woman has or will soon develop breast cancer, possibly due to risk or development of cancer. Breastmilk allows access to breast tissue in the form of dead epithelial cells, which is the source of most breast cancers, the researchers said.

Breast milk analysis is a non-invasive method that can be used to diagnose cancer. After further research, this method may provide a new, non-invasive approach to breast cancer screening for women of childbearing age.