Breastfeeding does not make your breasts sag

The fact that breastfeeding mothers are not the cause of their breasts is sagging, but is due to multiple births and the effects of old age.

"A lot of women, when going to breast augmentation, said that it was to cure the long-term breastfeeding , " said plastic surgeon Brian Rinker at the University of Kentucky, USA. So he decided to find its true relationship.

Rinker and colleagues interviewed 132 women with breast augmentation between 1998 and 2006. On average, these women were 39 years old, of which 93% were pregnant at least once. Among mothers, 58% gave at least 1 breast-feeding. The average time of breastfeeding is 9 months.

Picture 1 of Breastfeeding does not make your breasts sag The study also explored the mother's health history, body mass index, prenatal breast size and smoking status. The results showed no difference between the sagging of a nursing woman or not. The main factor that causes the deformation of the breast is the age, smoking and the number of pregnancies.

Rinker explains that smoking breaks down proteins in the skin, creating elasticity, helping to bring a fresh look to the skin and supporting the breasts. Pregnancy also contributes to the loss of its original shape. The more pregnancies, the greater the effect.

According to the researchers, the results may help eliminate the worries of young mothers and encourage them to breastfeed more for the sake of the child itself.