Broken nails: 6 common causes and quick fixes

Find out immediately the cause of broken nails and remedies to protect your beautiful hands.


Picture 1 of Broken nails: 6 common causes and quick fixes
When the body lacks vitamin C, protein, iron, calcium, zinc . will also make nails weak and break easily.

Crunchy nails can also be a consequence of long-term lack of quality. When the body lacks vitamin C, protein, iron, calcium, zinc . will also make nails weak and break easily. Therefore, if you want to have strong nails, you should not leave nutritional deficiencies. Eat full and varied foods like milk, eggs, fish, green vegetables, fruits . not only make your nails strong but also help your hair shine.

Long soak the water

Picture 2 of Broken nails: 6 common causes and quick fixes
Frequent wet nails will soften so it is easier to scratch.

Frequent wet nails will soften so it is easier to scratch. In this case you only need to limit your nails to contact the water. When doing household chores, be sure to wear gloves and after washing your hands, be sure to dry them immediately and reduce your nails significantly.

Chemical contact

Picture 3 of Broken nails: 6 common causes and quick fixes
If you experience frequent nail fractures, you should be careful to avoid contact with chemicals.

Due to the nature of daily work if you have to regularly come in contact with chemicals such as dishwashing liquid, laundry soap, floor cleaner, glass cleaning . are likely to harm hands. In addition, poor quality nail polish contains many toxic chemicals that can also contribute to weak nails and brittle fracture.

Therefore, if you experience frequent nail fractures, you should be careful to avoid contact with chemicals by wearing gloves while also limiting nail polish. Give your nails a strong look and then you can paint later.

Lack of moisture

Sitting in an air conditioner or drinking too little water also causes a breakable nail condition. Because when the body lacks water, it leads to dry skin, hair and nails. When the nail lacks moisture and dryness, it is easier to brittle.

Therefore, if you work regularly in an air-conditioned environment, be sure to apply moisturizer to your hands and nails, and be sure to add enough water to keep your nails healthy.

Stress lasts

Picture 4 of Broken nails: 6 common causes and quick fixes
Stress will cause your body's hormones to be out of balance, and your nails are affected.

If you're constantly under pressure, stress causes an imbalance in your body hormones, inadequate distribution of nutrients to organs. From there can be harmful to the body parts, in which, nails are also an easily recognized part.

Therefore, balancing your life, resting properly and keeping your mood happy is a better way to protect your nails and health.

Due to pathology

Picture 5 of Broken nails: 6 common causes and quick fixes
Nails infected with fungi are not too dangerous, but if left untreated, it is difficult to cure.

Frequent broken nails can also be a sign of a number of conditions such as anemia, psoriasis, thyroid disease, liver problems . Or a common case of broken nails caused by fungal infections. . Nails infected with fungi are not too dangerous, but if left untreated, it is difficult to cure. Therefore, if you suspect that your nails are broken due to illness, you need to seek medical help right away to find out the exact cause and timely treatment.