Building a house from the roof has become a reality

A construction company in Canada has successfully built a 10 storey building from the roof. Of course they will have to dig the foundation and build the ground floor first, but then make the roof right.

They say that "building a house from the roof" is meant to refer to those who only care about the top and forget about the root, which is very easy to collapse and not sustainable development. But a construction company in Canada has successfully built a 10-storey building from the roof. Of course they will have to dig the foundation and build the ground floor first, but then make the roof right. The hook is then lifted up and the middle layers inserted.

Successful construction of the house from the roof

President of Upbrella Construction, the company that devised the building, said, "The way this home is built will be in the future, so it's a place where there are too few places to work." By building this type, you do not need to use a crane or crane system too high or maintain it for a long time, limiting the impact on traffic around. Moreover, because of the top-down construction, no matter whether it is rain or snow, the engineers inside can still work, shortening the completion time.

Picture 1 of Building a house from the roof has become a reality

With real estate investment companies, this way of building also has a huge benefit: it allows to change the height of the building when it is under construction . "When the economy is on average, banks can invest to build a 40-storey building but if the market goes down, the investor can completely stop building on the 20th floor and rent or sell immediately , " the owner said construction firm Rubic Construction.

The building is expected to be completed by 1/7/2016.

Update 12 December 2018



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