By 2040, too many meat products are not of animal origin
Experts predict that by 2040, most human consumption 'meat' products do not come from animals but 60% of which are of plant origin.
The US consulting firm AT Kearney interviewed the experts and compiled a future assessment report of fake meat and meat-based meat products from the laboratory that would occupy a large market share.
Meat products in burgers are of plant origin.(Photo: Vitacost).
Now in Western countries, companies like Beyond Meat, Impossible Foods and Just Foods, which use botanical ingredients to make burgers, mashed eggs . AT Kearney estimates, have invested about $ 1 billion. into such vegetarian companies. As far as Beyond Meat has been recorded since May, the company's share has doubled.
Some other companies focus on creating laboratory meat from animal cells . This means that meat products can still be obtained without having to feed or slaughter animals.
Although no meat products from the lab have been on the market yet, AT Kearney predicts that future foods will dominate the long term.
AT Kearney believes that by 2040, 35% of meat products come from laboratories and 25% are actually substitutes derived from plants.
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