Fasting helps reduce stress

One of the reasons is that meat can cause symptoms of fatigue and depression, because arachidonic acid is present in meat.

>>>Fasting - Benefit both lines

Giving up meat can be a way to deal with stress and depression. According to scientists, a substance in animal flesh, causes certain changes in the brain, leading to mood changes.

Picture 1 of Fasting helps reduce stress
Giving up meat can help you reduce symptoms of fatigue and depression.

One of the reasons is that meat can cause symptoms of fatigue and depression, because arachidonic acid is present in meat. Especially a lot of substances found in animal meat, breeding with grain without grazing on pastures.

According to previous research, fish is less harmful in this aspect than meat, because it contains substances that resist the effects of acids. Recent science has confirmed that even people who eat fish instead of meat, still suffer from emotional problems and bad moods than vegetarianism.

To reach this conclusion, the researchers divided 39 participants into three groups, each with a different diet: eating meat and fish daily; eat 3 to 4 days a week; No meat or fish. As a result, volunteers in the third group had a significant improvement in mood compared to the other groups. Within two weeks, the level of arachidonic acid in the body of the vegetarian group decreased, and the level of stress-related substances.

Therefore, scientists have shown that vegetarianism helps us cope with stress and live happier.