The world consumes about 230 million tons of animal meat every year - twice as large as 30 years ago. We often raise four types - chickens, cows, sheep and pigs - all of which

A smaller snake came out from the big snake's mouth, after the big snake was killed by a cat.

Finding solutions to the behavior of some female spiders often eat their mates before or after intercourse, which has long attracted a lot of scientists' attention.

Everyone knows that limiting the use of traditional fossil fuels will help reduce environmental pollution, but perhaps not everyone knows that limiting meat consumption has the

Eating meat regularly, though not much, increases the risk of premature death. That is the conclusion of an elaborate study of American scientists, Institute of Nutrition at

Giving up meat can be a way to deal with stress and depression. According to scientists, a substance in animal flesh, causes certain changes in the brain, leading to mood changes.

Scientists predict that by 2030, the number of people suffering from cancer in the world will increase twice. In order to limit this momentum, many studies on cancer have been