Calcium is 7 times higher than milk, it's a pity not to eat this food

If you know how to eat healthy cheese, it will be a high-value, nutritious food for your health.

Table of comparison of important nutrients in 100g of cheese and milk

Picture 1 of Calcium is 7 times higher than milk, it's a pity not to eat this food

When it comes to calcium-rich foods, many people will think of milk. But one food that is even richer in calcium than milk is cheese.

First look at the calcium content that people are most interested in. The calcium content of cheese is 7.5 times that of whole milk. This is mainly due to whey and moisture is removed during the processing of milk into cheese. At the same time, protein and fat are also concentrated, so the protein content of cheese is 7.8 times higher than milk and the fat content is 6.5 times higher than milk.

Picture 2 of Calcium is 7 times higher than milk, it's a pity not to eat this food
Cheese is more calcium rich than milk.

If we simply look at over 100 grams, the calcium and protein content of cheese is unbeatable. However, a concentrated type of cheese and milk are liquids, so the method of eating is also different. According to the dietary guidelines for Chinese people, it is recommended that adults eat 300 grams of dairy products equivalent to whole milk every day, all converted into 38.5g of cheese. It is also every day you can choose a large glass of milk (about 300ml) or 38.5g of cheese.

In addition, in protein, fat, calcium and sodium in cheese are all concentrated, we will find that the carbohydrate content of cheese does not increase but decrease. This is because the carbohydrates in milk are mostly milk sugar and the process of processing into cheese is subjected to microbial fermentation, most of which is converted to lactic acid, a process similar to yogurt. Therefore, compared to milk, cheese has a clear advantage that people who are intolerant of milk sugar when drinking whole milk will experience flatulence, diarrhea and abdominal cramps.

Picture 3 of Calcium is 7 times higher than milk, it's a pity not to eat this food
Cheese contains a lot of nutrients but should be limited to avoid obesity.

But when choosing cheese, pay attention to one problem, which is that the sodium content exceeds the standard. To improve the taste, texture and appearance of cheese production, salt is often added to whey. For example, the sodium content of cheese is 9.2 times that of whole milk. About 38.5 grams per day, the salt intake is about 0.56 grams, reaching 9.3% of the daily salt limit (6 grams).

Thankfully, not all cheeses have such high salt content. When buying cheese, look at the sodium content in the nutrition facts table, such as in 100g of cheese containing 160mg sodium is also relatively low, does not affect too much salt intake. Finally, a word of warning, cheese is a high-calorie food, so you cannot eat cheese like a regular food, no matter how high the calcium content, it will make you gain weight. .

The effect of cheese

  1. Healthy bones : Contains high levels of calcium, vitamin D, along with minerals like folic acid, vitamins A, B2, B12, and K2. Cheese helps protect strong bones and prevent osteoporosis in the elderly.

Picture 4 of Calcium is 7 times higher than milk, it's a pity not to eat this food
Eating cheese the right way will have a great effect on health

  1. Prevent tooth decay: Using cheese will stimulate the production of saliva in the mouth, helping to remove food stuck on the teeth, gums to help your teeth become cleaner. In addition, cheese has a large amount of calcium that helps protect tooth enamel and helps teeth become stronger.
  2. Preventing cancer: Cheese containing cancer-preventing substance is linoleic acid. In addition, the B vitamins in cheese work to keep the body healthy, maintain metabolism and prevent neurasthenia.
  3. Reducing the risk of stroke : Cheese also contains an acid that can prevent artery blockage, reducing the risk of stroke.

Why eating cheese can prevent tooth decay?

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