Can fix bald head!

Male pattern baldness may not be ' uncontrollable ', scientists said after succeeding in creating new hair cells on rat skin.

In the past, it was thought that hair follicles once damaged were irreplaceable. Recently, however, scientists at the University of Pennsylvania in the United States wrote in Nature that it could actually stimulate hair growth by using a gene called wnt .

Picture 1 of Can fix bald head! There are about 100,000 small hair follicles on the head, and every hair follicle will grow. These follicles can be formed as soon as we are fetuses, in the early stages of pregnancy, and for a long time it is believed that no additional hair follicles will be formed throughout. the rest of his life.

The University of Pennsylvania team found the wnt gene - a special gene that plays an important role in curing lesions - also plays an important role in the production of new hair follicles.

In their tests, they took some small parts of the mouse epidermis. This has awakened the activity of stem cells in these areas, including the production of hair follicles. If the wnt gene activity is hindered, no hair follicles are created and vice versa, when facilitated, the number of hair follicles is generated more, and ultimately people can no longer distinguish. is old skin and new skin.

According to the researchers, their new finding 'opens a new direction' in treating not only baldness but also healing and restoring the appearance."This study provides evidence that the skin is also capable of regenerating, not only recovering as it was previously known," said Professor Des Tobin of the University of Bradford, England.