Carbonated water causes aggression in children

Psychological studies show that children today tend to be more aggressive, irritable, and fighting than children of previous generations. Scientists believe that the strong consumption of carbonated soft drinks may be the cause of this condition.

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Many groups of scientists in different countries have investigated the causes of behavioral changes in a part of today's youth in a negative direction, such as aggression, violence and cruelty. In addition to social causes, they delve into the effects of nutrition.

In a study with typical children on these behaviors, even at the level of always carrying weapons in people (knives, pistols), they found that among many factors, there was a high proportion of children. have a habit of drinking more than 5 cans of carbonated soft drinks daily.

Picture 1 of Carbonated water causes aggression in children
Carbonated drinks are linked to aggression in children.

Scientists have previously hypothesized that there is a relationship between food (harmful) and streaking (aggressive).

In 1979, US judges proved that young (juvenile) criminals were prosecuted for murder with a very poor awareness of their behavior, all of whom use unhealthy foods. (prepared dishes).

Fully capable of caffeine and sugar in carbonated soft drinks has a direct impact on the behavior of adolescents, as the researchers say. Of course, since the relationship has not yet been proven, it is also possible that people who try to show signs of negative behavior associated with these soft drinks are only inherent to them.

Researchers at the University of Vermont when analyzing the results of a survey of 1,878 young people attending 22 Boston schools to investigate the amount of carbonated beverages they consume.

Based on the answer, the children were divided into two groups, one group drank no more than 4 cans of soft drinks in a week (called 'low consumption group') and the other group drank from 5 cans. up ('consumption group'). As a result, 1 in 3 children (30%) is in the 'high consumption group'.

That is, the more consumption of non-alcoholic beverages is, the higher the signs of violence in adolescents. In those who drink a large amount of this beverage, the probability of showing offensive and ruthless behavior is 9 to 15 points higher than you and your age not drinking.

Among the children in the survey, more than 23% said they generally do not drink carbonated soft drinks and 43% drink 14 cans in a week. The children of this second group are all students who are more or less expressive of aggression.

According to the researchers, it is likely that low blood sugar levels make them tend to consume high-carbon soft drinks along with an increase in violent behaviors. Although carbonated soft drinks are not the cause, it is also associated with child aggression.

The study was published in Injury Prevention.