Cars crawling on the world's most winding street

Lombard Street, San Francisco, California, USA, looks like an alpine pass section with 8 limbs on a total length of only 400m and a slope of 27 degrees.

Lombard Street, San Francisco, California, USA, looks like an alpine pass section with 8 limbs on a total length of only 400m and a slope of 27 degrees.

Unlike many associates, the Lombard street is not for drivers to show off drifting sports cars. In fact, Lombard Street only allows one-way cars and has a speed limit of only 8km / h.

Picture 1 of Cars crawling on the world's most winding street

Cars bobbed on a winding slope, among flower beds on Lombard Street.

The design of Lombard is said to belong to a real estate owner named Carl Henry and was built in 1922 to reduce the natural slope by 27 degrees, too dangerous for most vehicles at that time. Even for pedestrians is a challenge through this location.

The popularity of Lombard Street, due to the number of crabs, the steepness thanks to the beautiful flower beds on both sides of the road, caused many troubles. Many innocent people stopped their cars in the middle of a slope to take commemorative photos, making the car behind them also have to stop waiting.

Picture 2 of Cars crawling on the world's most winding street

Picture 3 of Cars crawling on the world's most winding street

Picture 4 of Cars crawling on the world's most winding street

Picture 5 of Cars crawling on the world's most winding street

Picture 6 of Cars crawling on the world's most winding street

Picture 7 of Cars crawling on the world's most winding street

Picture 8 of Cars crawling on the world's most winding street

Picture 9 of Cars crawling on the world's most winding street

Picture 10 of Cars crawling on the world's most winding street

Update 18 December 2018



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