Causes of lead poisoning and latent mercury at home

Lead and mercury are two powerful poisons, dangerous to the environment and human health. People can get lead, mercury due to air pollution, drinking water, food and household items.

Lead and mercury are two powerful poisons, dangerous to the environment and human health. People can get lead, mercury due to air pollution, drinking water, food and household items.

The path of lead poisoning, mercury

Picture 1 of Causes of lead poisoning and latent mercury at home

Morning glory grown in the river is at risk of lead poisoning

Causes of lead poisoning

Lead can enter the human body through the respiratory and oral route . Breathing of contaminated air will bring this metal into the body, mainly in the lungs and blood.

Eating lead-contaminated foods or lead sticks on your hands will cause your body to accumulate toxins. Some unknown drugs contain lead such as oranges, users directly put toxins inside. When hungry, the amount of lead to blood transfusion is up to 60%, with the full, only 6%.

In addition, lead can penetrate through open wounds. Toxins are easily spread to organs in the body, accumulate long in teeth and bones, even up to tens of years.

Causes of mercury poisoning

Mercury enters the human body through the respiratory tract and through the skin from contaminated environments.

Eating notable seafood food is that marine fish accumulate large amounts of Hg methylmercury or salt.

Use drugs, fillings, skin powders, ingredients in ingredients containing Hg salts.

Picture 2 of Causes of lead poisoning and latent mercury at home

Mercury in a thermometer breaks very dangerous to human health, especially young children.

Symptoms of poisoning

Lead and lead lead to pain in the eyes, throat and nose when exposed. Lead also causes symptoms such as headaches, irritability, memory loss, insomnia . Symptoms due to lead poisoning are: loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, abdominal pain, difficult exercise, suffer from cramps, increase the risk of high blood pressure , in the long term will cause kidney disease, brain damage and anemia.

Mercury causes a burning sensation to the skin and eyes when exposed. When inhaled mercury vapor will cause coughing, chest pain, burning sensation in the lungs and difficulty breathing. Frequent exposure to mercury will be susceptible to poisoning. Symptoms include trembling limbs, memory loss, loss of concentration, blurred vision and kidney problems. Lead and mercury all have a negative effect on fertility in both women and men and the fetus.

"Enemy" is in the house

Not only do people involved in lead and mercury work are at risk. Anyone can be poisoned by lead and mercury from water, soil, ambient air, engine exhaust and from factories. The risk may also be hidden inside the home that we do not recognize from splashes of paint on walls , doors and household items painted from lead and mercury paints; from soil and dust around the house; lead-contaminated water from the plumbing system; from crystal items, colored glass, pottery, batteries, camcorders, toys, radio stations, computers, thermometers, cosmetic mercury lamps.

Picture 3 of Causes of lead poisoning and latent mercury at home

Be careful with flashy children's toys

Many paint products - especially paints for wood, concrete, metal, door frames, contain very high levels of lead and mercury, so you can be poisoned when living in a house. Paint with lead paint and mercury. The most vulnerable subjects in the family are children if inhaled by paint dust; Put your hand or pick up anything that has the paint dust on it and put it in your mouth. In children, lead and mercury poisoning cause more serious harm, because the child's nervous system is more sensitive (affecting the brain, nervous system, receptive ability and development of young children).

Prevent poisoning

To avoid such unfortunate consequences, when buying household items, crystal items, pottery, or toys for children, it is advisable to look for a source of clear origin, make sure not to use lead and mercury. in the production process. Implementing a diet rich in iron, calcium, vitamin C to help the body fight lead. Choose and use paints for both interior and exterior without lead and mercury.

Do not allow children to chew on window rims or painted objects.Wash your hands often . When opening the tap, let the water run out for about 60 seconds before collecting the bottle and storing it in the refrigerator to drink. About once a month remove and clean the filter of the faucet to remove residue there. Only cold water should be used for drinking or cooking, as hot water has a higher lead level. Boil cold water to make tea, coffee or cook. Do not use hot tap water to drink or cook .

Update 15 December 2018



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