Children are more aggressive if they are beaten by their mothers

Children who are often attacked when they are toddlers will be more aggressive when they go to preschool, a new study reveals.

Picture 1 of Children are more aggressive if they are beaten by their mothers In this work, Tulane University team surveyed 2,500 mothers across the United States: 46% said they did not hit children in the past month, 28% said they had a child 1-2 times, and 26% said they beat their children more than 2 times.

Experts found that the 3-year-old children of mothers who used the spanking tool were significantly more aggressive.

After eliminating other relevant factors, scientists found that the mother's aggression spawned child aggression.

"Children mimic their parents' behavior. If both parents use spanking as a child control tool, their children will be very easy to use violence with their playmates and their brothers." , a clinical pediatric psychologist at Mercy Children's Hospital said on ABC.

Rahil Briggs, a child psychologist and assistant professor of pediatrics at the Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York agrees. "Children spend most of their early life learning about signals from caregivers. If you want to teach your child to say 'thank you', say it in front of your child, whenever appropriate. Again, if you hit your child often as a familiar discipline, your child will love to use force , " she said.